Microsoft Foundation Classes (mfc.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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──Microsoft Foundation Classes──────────────────────────────────────────────
  afx_msg int OnCompareItem ( LPCOMPAREITEMSTRUCT  lpCompareItemStruct  );
  Parameter             Description
  <lpCompareItemStruct> Contains a long pointer to a COMPAREITEMSTRUCT
                        data structure that contains the identifiers and
                        application-supplied data for two items in the
                        combo or list box.
  Override this member function in your derived class to handle the
  Use the overridden member function to specify the relative position of a
  new item in a sorted owner-draw combo or list box.
  If a combo or list box is created with the CBS_SORT or LBS_SORT
  style, Windows sends the combo-box or list-box owner a WM_COMPAREITEM
  message whenever the application adds a new item.
  The <lpCompareItemStruct> parameter is a long pointer to a
  COMPAREITEMSTRUCT data structure that contains the identifiers and
  application-supplied data for two items in the combo or list box.
  OnCompareItem should return a value indicating which of the items should
  appear before the other. Typically, Windows makes this call several
  times until it determines the exact position for the new item.
  This message-handler member function calls the Default member
  Return Value
  Indicates the relative position of the two items. It may be any of the
  following values:
  Value   Meaning
  -1      Item 1 sorts before item 2.
  0       Item 1 and item 2 sort the same.
  1       Item 1 sorts after item 2.
  See Also