Microsoft Foundation Classes (mfc.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Scroll Bar Styles
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  Style                         Meaning
  SBS_BOTTOMALIGN               Used with the SBS_HORZ style. The bottom
                                edge of the scroll bar is aligned with the
                                bottom edge of the rectangle specified  in
                                the Create member function. The scroll bar
                                has the default height for system scroll
  SBS_HORZ                      Designates a horizontal scroll bar. If
                                neither the SBS_BOTTOMALIGN nor
                                SBS_TOPALIGN style is specified, the
                                scroll bar has the height, width, and
                                position given in the Create member
  SBS_LEFTALIGN                 Used with the SBS_VERT style. The left
                                edge of the scroll bar is aligned with the
                                left edge of the rectangle specified in
                                the Create member function. The scroll bar
                                has the default width for system scroll
  SBS_RIGHTALIGN                Used with the SBS_VERT style. The right
                                edge of the scroll bar is aligned with the
                                right edge of the rectangle specified in
                                the Create member function. The scroll bar
                                has the default width for system scroll
  SBS_SIZEBOX                   Designates a size box. If neither the
                                SBS_SIZEBOXBOTTOMRIGHTALIGN nor
                                SBS_SIZEBOXTOPLEFTALIGN style is
                                specified, the size box has the height,
                                width, and position given in the Create
                                member function.
                                lower-right corner of the size box is
                                aligned with the lower-right corner of the
                                rectangle specified in the Create member
                                function. The size box has the default
                                size for system size boxes.
  SBS_SIZEBOXTOPLEFTALIGN       Used with the SBS_SIZEBOX style. The
                                upper-left corner of the size box is
                                aligned with the upper-left corner of the
                                rectangle specified in the Create member
                                function. The size box has the default
                                size for system size boxes.
  SBS_TOPALIGN                  Used with the SBS_HORZ style. The top edge
                                of the scroll bar is aligned with the top
                                edge of the rectangle specified in the
                                Create member function. The scroll bar has
                                the default height for system scroll
  SBS_VERT                      Designates a vertical scroll bar. If
                                neither the SBS_RIGHTALIGN nor
                                SBS_LEFTALIGN style is specified, the
                                scroll bar has the height, width, and
                                position given in the Create member