Microsoft Foundation Classes (mfc.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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──Microsoft Foundation Classes──────────────────────────────────────────────
  void SetDepth( int nNewDepth );
  Parameter   Description
  <nNewDepth> The new depth value.
  Sets the depth for the dump. If you are dumping primitive types or
  simple CObjects that contain no pointers to other objects, then a value
  of 0 is sufficient. A value greater than 0 specifies a deep dump where
  all objects are dumped recursively. For example, a deep dump of a
  collection will dump all elements of the collection. You may use other
  specific depth values in your derived classes.
  NOTE: Circular references are not detected in deep dumps and can result
        in infinite loops.
  afxDump.SetDepth( 1 );  // specifies deep dump
  ASSERT( afxDump.GetDepth() == 1 );
  See Also