Microsoft Foundation Classes (mfc.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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──Microsoft Foundation Classes──────────────────────────────────────────────
  DWORD SetTextColor( DWORD crColor );
  Parameter   Description
  <crColor>   Specifies the color of the text as an RGB color value.
  Sets the text color to the specified color. The system will use this
  text color when writing text to this device context and also when
  converting bitmaps between color and monochrome device contexts.
  If the device cannot represent the specified color, the system sets the
  text color to the nearest physical color. The background color for a
  character is specified by SetBkColor and SetBkMode.
  Return Value
  An RGB value for the previous text color.
  See Also
  CDC::GetTextColor, CDC::BitBlt, CDC::SetBkColor, CDC::SetBkMode,