Microsoft Foundation Classes (mfc.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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──Microsoft Foundation Classes──────────────────────────────────────────────
  BOOL TrackPopupMenu( UINT nFlags, int x, int y, const CWnd* pWnd,
                       LPRECT lpRectReserved = 0);
  Parameter        Description
  <nFlags>         Specifies a screen-position flag and a mouse-button
                   flag. The screen-position flag can be one of the
                   Value             Meaning
                   TPM_CENTERALIGN   Centers the pop-up menu horizontally
                                     relative to the coordinate specified
                                     by <x>.
                   TPM_LEFTALIGN     Positions the pop-up menu so that its
                                     left side is aligned with the
                                     coordinate specified by <x>.
                   TPM_RIGHTALIGN    Positions the pop-up menu so that its
                                     right side is aligned with the
                                     coordinate specified by <x>.
                   The mouse-button flag can be one of the following:
                   Value             Meaning
                   TPM_LEFTBUTTON    Causes the pop-up menu to track the
                                     left mouse button.
                   TPM_RIGHTBUTTON   Causes the pop-up menu to track the
                                     right mouse button.
  <x>              Specifies the horizontal position in screen coordinates
                   of the left side of the menu on the screen.
  <y>              Specifies the vertical position in screen coordinates
                   of the top of the menu on the screen.
  <pWnd>           Identifies the window that owns the pop-up menu. This
                   window receives all WM_COMMAND messages from the menu.
  <lpRectReserved> Points to a RECT structure or CRect object that
                   contains the screen coordinates of a rectangle within
                   which the user can click without dismissing the pop-up
                   menu. If this parameter is NULL, the pop-up menu is
                   dismissed if the user clicks outside the pop-up menu.
                   This must be NULL for Windows version 3.0.
  Displays a floating pop-up menu at the specified location and tracks the
  selection of items on the pop-up menu. A floating pop-up menu can appear
  anywhere on the screen.
  Return Value
  TRUE if the function is successful; otherwise FALSE.
  See Also
  CMenu::CreatePopupMenu, CMenu::GetSubMenu, ::TrackPopupMenu