Microsoft Foundation Classes (mfc.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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  int UnionRect( LPRECT lpRect1, LPRECT lpRect2 );
  Parameter   Description
  <lpRect1>   Points to a RECT or CRect that contains a source rectangle.
  <lpRect2>   Points to a RECT or CRect that contains a source rectangle.
  Makes the dimensions of CRect equal to the union of the two source
  rectangles. The union is the smallest rectangle that contains both
  source rectangles.
  Windows ignores the dimensions of an empty rectangle; that is, a
  rectangle that has no height or has no width.
  Return Value
  TRUE if the union is not empty; FALSE if the union is empty.
  See Also
  ::UnionRect, CRect::operator |=, CRect::operator |