Microsoft Foundation Classes (mfc.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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──Microsoft Foundation Classes──────────────────────────────────────────────
  void ValidateRect( LPRECT lpRect );
  Parameter   Description
  <lpRect>    Points to a CRect or RECT structure that contains the
              rectangle (in client coordinates) to be removed from the
              update region.
  Validates the client area within the given rectangle by removing the
  rectangle from the update region of the given window. If <lpRect> is
  NULL, the entire window is validated.
  The BeginPaint member function automatically validates the entire
  client area. Neither the ValidateRect nor ValidateRgn member function
  should be called if a portion of the update region needs to be validated
  before WM_PAINT is next sent.
  Windows continues to send WM_PAINT messages until the current update
  region is validated.
  See Also
  CWnd::BeginPaint, ::ValidateRect, CWnd::ValidateRgn