Microsoft Foundation Classes (mfc.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
General Diagnostic Functions
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  The following list describes general diagnostic functions:
  afxMemDF                  Global variable that controls the behavior
                              of the debugging memory allocator.
  AfxCheckMemory            Checks all currently allocated memory for
                              corrupted guard bytes.
  AfxEnableMemoryTracking   Turns memory tracking on and off.
  AfxIsMemoryBlock          Verifies that a memory block has been
                              properly allocated.
  AfxIsValidAddress         Verifies that any memory block is within the
                              program's bounds.
  AfxSetAllocHook           Enables the calling of a function on each
                              memory allocation.
  AfxSetAllocStop           Enables the calling of a function on the nth
                              memory allocation.
  Checkpoint                A CMemoryState member function that
                              checkpoints a memory state.
  CMemoryState              Constructor for a class-like structure that
                              controls memory checkpointing.
  Difference                A CMemoryState member function that computes
                              the difference between two checkpointed
                              memory states.
  DumpAllObjectsSince       A CMemoryState member function that dumps
                              all currently allocated objects since the
                              last checkpoint.
  DumpStatistics            A CMemoryState member function that prints
                              memory allocation statistics.