Microsoft Foundation OLE Classes (mfcole.hlp) (Topic list)
class COleServer
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──Microsoft Foundation OLE Classes──────────────────────────────────────────
  COleServer is the Microsoft Foundation Class Library base class for
  Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) servers. A server receives requests
  from OLESVR.DLL, and it responds by creating or opening documents,
  closing documents, exiting, and so forth. Most server applications
  support one server object, but some applications support multiple
  servers. Microsoft Excel, for example, has two server objects, one for
  worksheets and the other for charts.
  #include <afxole.h>
  See Also
  COleServerDoc, COleServerItem
  Public Members
  Data Members
  m_bLaunchEmbedded   A flag that is set to TRUE if the program has been
                        launched as an embedded server.
  COleServer   Constructs a COleServer object.
  ~COleServer   Destroys the object.
  Register      Registers the server (called after the constructor).
  BeginRevoke   Begins server shutdown (called by the destructor).
  IsOpen   Indicates whether the server is currently operational and
  Protected Members
  Overridables (callbacks)
  OnCreateDoc   Called to create a new OLE server embedded document.
  OnEditDoc     Called to open an existing OLE server embedded document
                  for editing.
  OnOpenDoc     Called to open an existing OLE server-linked document.
                  Called to create a new OLE server document from a
  OnExecute     Used for DDE Execute messages.
  OnExit        Called to inform you that the server should exit.
  OnRelease     Called to clean up when the server is released.