Microsoft Foundation OLE Classes (mfcole.hlp) (Topic list)
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      virtual COleServerDoc* OnEditDoc( const char FAR* <lpszClass>,
                 const char FAR* <lpszDoc> ) = 0;
  Parameter   Description
  <lpszClass> A null-terminated string that specifies the class name of an
              OLE server document type (rarely used).
  <lpszDoc>   A null-terminated string that usually specifies the name of
              an existing document.
  You must implement this callback function to open an existing OLE server
  embedded document for editing. It is called in response to the client's
  edit request.
  Note that this function is specialized for embedded documents; the
  OnOpenDoc member function is called for linked documents.
  Return Value
  If successful, a pointer to an OLE server document; otherwise NULL.
  See Also