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mp1 = MPFROMP((PMLEFORMATRECT) pmlefrmrcl); /* point to format rect. */
mp2 = MPFROMLONG((ULONG) flOptions);        /* options               */
An application sends an MLM_SETFORMATRECT message to set a format rectangle
in a multiple-line entry field (MLE). The format rectangle can be used to
limit the insertion of text within the MLE window.
Parameter   Description
pmlefrmrcl  Low and high word of mp1. Points to the MLEFORMATRECT structure
            that contains the format-rectangle dimensions. If this parameter
            is NULL, the current MLE-window dimensions (minus the border or
            scroll bars) is used.
flOptions   Low and high word of mp2. Specifies how the format rectangle is
            to be used. A value of zero causes the MLE to remove any format
            rectangle and to ignore the pmlefrmrcl parameter. Otherwise,
            this parameter can be a combination of the following values:
            Value                   Meaning
            MLFFMTRECT_LIMITHORZ    Specifies that the text within the MLE
                                    cannot exceed the horizontal dimension
                                    specified by the pmlefrmrcl parameter.
                                    If word-wrap mode is turned on before
                                    the format rectangle is set, lines
                                    automatically wrap to stay within the
                                    horizontal limit of the format
                                    rectangle. If word-wrap mode is turned
                                    off before the format rectangle is set,
                                    an MLN_PIXHORZOVERFLOW notification
                                    message is sent to the application
                                    whenever an operation would exceed the
                                    horizontal limit specified in the format
            MLFFMTRECT_LIMITVERT    Specifies that the text within the MLE
                                    cannot exceed the vertical dimension
                                    specified by the pmlefrmrcl parameter.
                                    When an MLE operation would cause text
                                    to exceed the vertical limit, an
                                    MLN_PIXVERTOVERFLOW notification message
                                    is sent to the application.
            MLFFMTRECT_MATCHWINDOW  Specifies that the format rectangle is
                                    to be kept the same size as the MLE
                                    window (minus the border or scroll
            MLFFMTRECT_FORMATRECT   Specifies that the format rectangle is
                                    to be kept the same size as the MLE
                                    window (minus the border or scroll bars)
                                    and that text cannot exceed the size of
                                    the window. This value is equivalent to
                                    combining the MLFFMTRECT_LIMITHORZ,
                                    MLFFMTRECT_LIMITVERT, and
                                    MLFFMTRECT_MATCHWINDOW values.
Return Value
The return value is TRUE if the text fits within the new format-rectangle
dimensions. Otherwise, it is FALSE, indicating that the text does not fit
and that the format rectangle is not set.
Whenever an insertion would cause the text to be too long for the MLE, the
MLN_PIXVERTOVERFLOW or MLN_PIXHORZOVERFLOW notification message is sent.
See Also