msgs12.hlp (Topic list)
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mp1 = MPFROMP((PBYTE) pBuf);          /* pointer to buffer */
mp2 = MPFROMSHORT((USHORT) cbBuf);    /* buffer size       */
An application sends an MLM_SETIMPORTEXPORT message to set the transfer
buffer for a multiple-line entry field (MLE).
Parameter  Description
pBuf       Low and high word of mp1. Points to the buffer to be used by the
           MLM_IMPORT, MLM_EXPORT, and MLM_SEARCH messages.
cbBuf      Low word of mp2. Specifies the size (in bytes) of the buffer
           pointed to by the pBuf parameter. The largest size that can be
           specified is 65,535.
Return Value
The return value is always TRUE.
See Also