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typedef struct _DLGTEMPLATE {    /* dlgt */
    USHORT      cbTemplate;
    USHORT      type;
    USHORT      codepage;
    USHORT      offadlgti;
    USHORT      fsTemplateStatus;
    USHORT      iItemFocus;
    USHORT      coffPresParams;
    DLGTITEM    adlgti[1];
The DLGTEMPLATE structure contains header information and an array of dialog
items. It is used by the WinCreateDlg function to create a dialog window
instead of loading it from the resource file.
Field             Description
cbTemplate        Specifies the length of the structure (in bytes).
type              Specifies the type of the dialog window. This field is
                  currently unused.
codepage          Specifies the code-page for the dialog window. This field
                  can be one of the following values:
                  Value  Meaning
                  437    United States
                  850    Multilingual
                  860    Portuguese
                  863    French-Canadian
                  865    Nordic
offadlgti         Specifies the offset from the beginning of the dialog to
                  the array of dialog-item structures. For MS OS/2 version
                  1.2, this value is 14.
fsTemplateStatus  This field is currently unused. It must be set to 1.
iItemFocus        Specifies the index of the item that has the focus.
coffPresParams    This field is currently unused. It must be set to zero.
adlgti[1]         Specifies an array of DLGTITEM structures that contain
                  information about each dialog item.
See Also
WinCreateDlg, DLGTITEM