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RECTL (1.2)
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typedef struct _RECTL {    /* rcl */
    LONG  xLeft;
    LONG  yBottom;
    LONG  xRight;
    LONG  yTop;
The RECTL structure contains the coordinates of a rectangle.
Field    Description
xLeft    Specifies the left side of the rectangle.
yBottom  Specifies the bottom of the rectangle.
xRight   Specifies the right side of the rectangle.
yTop     Specifies the top of the rectangle.
If the rectangle is drawn in world space, model space, or page space, MS
OS/2 includes the bottom and far-right edges. However, if the rectangle is
drawn in device space (that is, the application passes the rectangle to the
GpiCreateRegion, GpiCombineRegion, or GpiOffsetRegion function) MS OS/2
excludes the bottom and far-right edges of the rectangle.
See Also