msos2.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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typedef struct _HELPINIT {    /* hinit */
    USHORT     cb;
    ULONG      ulReturnCode;
    PSZ        pszTutorialName;
    PHELPTABLE phtHelpTable;
    HMODULE    hmodHelpTableModule;
    HMODULE    hmodAccelActionBarModule;
    USHORT     idAccelTable;
    USHORT     idActionBar;
    PSZ        pszHelpWindowTitle;
    USHORT     usShowPanelId;
    PSZ        pszHelpLibraryName;
The HELPINIT structure is used when creating a help instance for an
Field                     Description
cb                        Specifies the number of bytes in the
                          initialization structure.
ulReturnCode              Specifies the value returned by the system at
                          initialization. A value of zero means that
                          initialization was successful.
pszTutorialName           Points to the string that contains the default
                          tutorial name. If this field is NULL, the
                          application does not have a tutorial or the
                          tutorial name is specified in each help library.
phtHelpTable              Points to the help table or to the resource ID of
                          the help table. If you defined the table in a
                          resource file, the low word should contain the
                          resource ID of the table and the high word must be
hmodHelpTableModule       Identifies the module handle returned by the
                          DosLoadModule function when the application loaded
                          the resource file. A value of NULL indicates that
                          the resource file that contains the help table was
                          appended to the application's executable (.exe)
hmodAccelActionBarModule  Identifies the handle of the dynamic-link library
                          module that contains the accelerator table and
                          menu-bar template used by a help window. A value
                          of NULL causes the idAccelTable and idActionBar
                          fields to be ignored and the default resources to
                          be used.
idAccelTable              Identifies the accelerator table. The accelerator
                          table is found in the dynamic-link library
                          identified by the hmodAccelActionBarModule field.
                          If the default accelerator table is to be used,
                          this field should be NULL.
idActionBar               Identifies the menu-bar template used by a help
                          window. The menu-bar template is found in the
                          dynamic-link library identified by the
                          hmodAccelActionBarModule field. If the default
                          menu bar is to be used, this field should be
pszHelpWindowTitle        Points to the string that contains the window
                          title of the help window.
usShowPanelId             Specifies whether to display the window (panel) ID
                          on a help window. If this value is
                          CMIC_HIDE_PANEL_ID, the window ID is not shown; if
                          this value is CMIC_SHOW_PANEL_ID, the window ID is
pszHelpLibraryName        Points to the string that contains the name of the
                          help library that the system searches on each help
See Also
WinCreateHelpInstance, HELPTABLE