overview.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
About Menus (1.2)
Using Section  Function Group                     Up Next Previous
                                About Menus
This topic describes how to use menus in your applications. You should also
be familiar with the following topics:
    MS OS/2 Resource Compiler
    Accelerator tables
    Frame windows
    Messages and message queues
Menus are windows that contain a list of items. These items can be text
strings, bitmaps, or images drawn by the application. Menus allow the user
to use the mouse or keyboard to choose from a predetermined list of choices.
When a user makes a choice from a menu, the menu posts a message containing
the item's unique menu-item identifier to the menu's owner window.
Typically, an application defines its menus by using Resource Compiler and
associates the menus with an frame window when the window is created.
Applications can also create menus by filling in menu-template data
structures and then creating windows with the WC_MENU class. Either way,
applications can dynamically add, delete, or change menu items by sending
messages to menu windows.
Menu windows are always owned by another window; this is important because a
menu sends messages to its owner whenever a menu item is highlighted or
chosen by the user. Owner windows send messages to menus to add, delete, or
change menu items.
Menu-Bar and Pull-Down Menus
Typically, an application uses a menu-bar menu and several pull-down
submenus. The menu bar is a child window in the parent window frame. The
submenus are normally hidden and become visible when the user makes
selections in the menu bar.
There are two main types of menu items: command items and submenu items.
When the user chooses a command item, a command message is immediately
posted to the parent window. When the user selects a submenu item, a
pull-down menu is displayed from which the user may choose another command
item. Since a pull-down menu window can also contain a submenu item,
pull-down menus can originate from other pull-down menus. An item in the
menu bar may be a command item or a submenu item.
When a command item is selected, either from the menu bar or from a
pull-down menu, the menu system posts a WM_COMMAND, WM_SYSCOMMAND, or
WM_HELP message to the owner window, depending on the menu item's style
The menu bar is a child window of the frame window; the menu-bar window
handle is the key to communicating with menus. The handle of the menu-bar
window can be obtained by calling the WinWindowFromID function with the
handle of the parent window and the FID_MENU frame-control identifier. Most
messages for menus and submenus can be sent to the menu-bar window. Flags in
the messages tell the window whether to search submenus for requested menu
System Menu
The system menu in the upper-left corner of a standard frame window is
different from the menu-bar and pull-down menus defined by the application.
The system menu is controlled and defined almost exclusively by the system.
Your only decision about the system menu is whether or not to include it
when creating a frame window. (It is unusual for a frame window not to
include a system menu.) The system menu generates WM_SYSCOMMAND messages
instead of WM_COMMAND messages. Most applications simply allow the default
behavior for WM_SYSCOMMAND messages.
If necessary, you can obtain the handle of the system menu by calling the
WinWindowFromID function with the handle of the parent (frame) window and
the FID_SYSMENU frame-control identifier. The application can add, delete,
and change system-menu entries.
Menu-Item Styles
All menu items have a combination of style bits that determine what kind of
data the item contains and what kind of message it generates when it is
chosen by the user. For instance, a menu item can have the MIS_TEXT,
MIS_BITMAP, or other styles, specifying what kind of display object visually
represents the menu item on the screen. Other styles determine what kinds of
messages the item sends to its owner window and whether the owner window
draws the item. Menu-item styles typically do not change during program
execution, but they can be queried and set by sending MM_SETITEM and
MM_QUERYITEM messages to the menu with the identifier of the item.
Menu-Item Attributes
Menu items have attributes that determine how they are displayed and whether
or not the user can choose them. Menu-item attributes can be set and queried
by sending MM_SETITEMATTR and MM_QUERYITEMATTR messages with the identifier
of the item to the menu-bar menu window. If the specified item is in a
submenu, you must set a flag in the message so that submenus are searched
for the item.
Defining Menu Items in a Resource File
A menu resource consists of command items and submenu items. One menu
resource typically represents the menu bar and all its submenus. An
application can specify the identifier of the menu resource when creating a
standard window, or it can load the menu resource directly by using the
WinLoadMenu function. A menu-item definition is organized as follows:
MENUITEM item text, item identifier, item style, item attributes
The menu resource-definition file specifies the text of each item in the
menu, unique identifier, its style and its attributes, and whether it is a
command item or a submenu item. Following is sample source code that defines
a menu resource for Resource Compiler. The code defines a menu with three
submenu items in the menu bar (File, Edit, and Fonts) and a command item
(Help). Each submenu has several command items, and the Fonts submenu has
two other submenus within it.
            MENUITEM "~Open...",       IDM_FI_OPEN
            MENUITEM "~Close\tF3",     IDM_FI_CLOSE, MIS_DISABLED
            MENUITEM "~Quit",          IDM_FI_QUIT
            MENUITEM "",               IDM_FI_SEP1, MIS_SEPARATOR
            MENUITEM "~About Sample",  IDM_FI_ABOUT
            MENUITEM "~Undo",          IDM_ED_UNDO, 0, MIA_DISABLED
            MENUITEM "",               IDM_ED_SEP1, MIS_SEPARATOR
            MENUITEM "~Cut",           IDM_ED_CUT
            MENUITEM "C~opy",          IDM_ED_COPY
            MENUITEM "~Paste",         IDM_ED_PASTE
            MENUITEM "C~lear",         IDM_ED_CLEAR
            SUBMENU "Style",           IDM_FONT_STYLE
                    MENUITEM "Plain",  IDM_FONT_STYLE_PLAIN
                    MENUITEM "Bold",   IDM_FONT_STYLE_BOLD
                    MENUITEM "Italic", IDM_FONT_STYLE_ITALIC
            SUBMENU "Size",            IDM_FONT_SIZE
                    MENUITEM "10",     IDM_FONT_SIZE_10
                    MENUITEM "12",     IDM_FONT_SIZE_12
                    MENUITEM "14",     IDM_FONT_SIZE_14
You can indicate a mnemonic keystroke for the menu item by preceding that
character in the item text with a tilde, as in "File". The user can choose
that item by pressing the mnemonic key when the menu is active. (The menu
bar is active when the user presses and releases the ALT key, and the first
item in the menu bar is highlighted. A pull-down menu is active when it is
In addition to mnemonics, a menu item can have an associated keyboard
accelerator. Accelerators are different from mnemonics, in that the menu
does not have to be active for the accelerator key to work. If a menu item
has a keyboard accelerator associated with it, the corresponding menu item
should display the accelerator to the right of the menu item. This is done
by placing a tab character (\t) in the menu text before the characters that
should be displayed on the right. For example, if the Close item had the F3
function key as its keyboard accelerator, the text for the item would be
Each entry that defines a menu item specifies the text for the item, its
identifier, and the style and attributes of the item. A menu item that has
no specification for style or attributes has the default style of MIS_TEXT
and all attribute bits off, indicating that the item is enabled. The
MIS_SEPARATOR style identifies nonselectable lines between menu items.
To define a menu item with the MIS_BITMAP style, an application should use a
tool such as Icon Editor to create a bitmap, include the bitmap in the
application's resource-definition file, and define a menu in the file (as
shown in the following code fragment). The text for the bitmap menu items is
an ASCII representation of the resource identifier of the bitmap resource to
be displayed for that item.
/* Bring externally created bitmaps into the resource file. */
BITMAP 101 button.bmp
BITMAP 102 hirest.bmp
BITMAP 103 hizoom.bmp
BITMAP 104 hired.bmp
/* Connect a menu item with a bitmap. */
        MENUITEM "#101", IDM_BM_01, MIS_BITMAP
        MENUITEM "#102", IDM_BM_02, MIS_BITMAP
        MENUITEM "#103", IDM_BM_03, MIS_BITMAP
        MENUITEM "#104", IDM_BM_04, MIS_BITMAP
Menu Data Structures
There are two main data structures that define the contents of a menu: the
menu-item structure and the menu-template structure. The menu-item structure
defines a single menu item, and the menu-template structure contains all the
menu items that make up a menu resource, including the menu bar and all its
pull-down menus.
A single menu item is defined by the MENUITEM data structure. This data
structure is used with the MM_INSERTITEM message to insert items into a
menu, or to query and set item characteristics with the MM_QUERYITEM and
MM_SETITEM messages.
The values of most of the fields in the data structure can be derived
directly from the resource-definition file. The last field in the structure,
hItem, depends on the style of the menu item.
The iPosition field specifies the ordinal position of the item within its
menu window. If the item is part of the menu bar, iPosition gives its
relative left-to-right position, with zero being the leftmost item. If the
item is part of a submenu, iPosition gives its relative top-to-bottom and
left-to-right position, with zero being the upper-left item. An item with
the MIS_BREAKSEPARATOR style in a pull-down menu will cause a new column to
The afStyle field contains the style bits of the item. The afAttribute field
contains the attribute bits.
The id field contains the identifier for the menu item. The identifier
should be unique but does not have to be. When multiple items have the same
identifier, they post the same command number in the WM_COMMAND,
WM_SYSCOMMAND, and WM_HELP messages. Also, any message that specifies a menu
item with a nonunique identifier will find the first item that has that
The hwndSubMenu field contains the window handle of a pull-down menu window
(if the item is a submenu item). The hwndSubMenu field is NULL for command
The hItem field contains a handle to the display object for the item, unless
the item has the MIS_TEXT style, in which case hItem is NULL. For example, a
menu item with the MIS_BITMAP style has an hItem field that is equal to its
bitmap handle.
Menu Template
A menu template is a variable-length data structure that represents the
entire menu, including all items and submenus. A menu template is made up of
a series of variable-length records. Each record represents a single menu
item. If the item is a submenu, the template that describes the submenu is
nested after the submenu item record.
The menu template is a representation of the menu as it is defined in the
resource-definition file. Typically, applications require information about
the internal structure of a menu template only when creating a menu template
without using a resource-definition file.
A template is defined as shown in the following code fragment:
typedef struct _MT {
    USHORT cb;          /* length of template in bytes              */
    USHORT version;     /* version; set to zero                     */
    USHORT codepage;    /* code page                                */
    USHORT iInputsize;  /* length of input field for host terminals */
    USHORT cMti;        /* count of items                           */
    MTI    rgMti[cMti];
} MT;
MS OS/2 version 1.2 sets the codepage, and iInputsize fields to zero and
ignores the contents of these fields if they are set by an application. The
version field specifies whether there are presentation parameters. This
field is zero if there are no presentation parameters; otherwise, it is 1,
and an additional field (coffPresParams) is added between the cMti and
rgMti fields. This additional field contains the offset to the PRESPARAMS
structure. The cMti field specifies the number of menu-template items that
follow. Each menu-template item describes one item in the menu. Since each
menu item can require a different amount of storage, the following variable
definition of a menu-template item is used:
typedef struct _MTI {
    USHORT afStyle;
    USHORT afAttribute;
    USHORT idItem;
    if (afStyle AND MIS_BITMAP)
      CHAR szItemString ? ;
    if (afStyle AND MIS_OWNERDRAW)
    if (afStyle AND MIS_TEXT)
      CHAR szItemString ? ;
    if (aStyle AND MIS_SEPARATOR)
    if (afStyle AND MIS_SUBMENU)
      MT MenuTemplate;
} MTI;
The first three fields of a structure for a menu-template item specify the
style, attributes, and identifier of the item. The data that follows these
fields is determined by the style of the item. The cases can be summarized
as follows:
If the afStyle field is MIS_TEXT, the data that follows the idItem field is
a null-terminated string representing the menu-item text.
If the afStyle field is MIS_BITMAP, the data that follows idItem is a
null-terminated string that can represent one of three things:
♦  If the first byte is NULL, then no bitmap resource is defined; the
   application provides a bitmap handle for the item.
♦  If the first byte is "#", subsequent characters make up the decimal
   representation of the bitmap resource-identifier.
♦  If neither of the previous cases apply, the handle is set to NULL, and
   the application must set it manually.
If the afStyle field is MIS_OWNERDRAW or MIS_SEPARATOR, there is no data
following the idItem field.
If the afStyle field is MIS_SUBMENU, a complete menu-template structure for
the submenu follows the idItem field.