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About Messages and Message Queues (1.2)
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                     About Messages and Message Queues
This topic describes creating and using messages and message queues in MS
OS/2 Presentation Manager applications. You should also be familiar with the
following topics:
    Window procedures
Unlike traditional applications that take complete control of the computer's
keyboard, mouse, and screen, Presentation Manager applications must share
these resources with other applications running at the same time. Because
all applications run independently, Presentation Manager applications rely
on MS OS/2 to help them manage shared resources. The system manages shared
resources by controlling the operation of each application, communicating
with each application when there is keyboard and mouse input or when an
application must move and size its windows. The system uses messages to
communicate with an application and the windows belonging to that
A message is information, a request for information, or a request for an
action to be carried out by the application. The system communicates a
message to an application so that the application can use the information or
respond to the request. The system communicates in two ways: posting and
The system posts a message to an application's message queue if the message
represents information or a request that does not need immediate action. The
message queue is an application-created storage area used to hold messages.
The application can then retrieve and process a message at the appropriate
time. The system posts a message by copying the message data to the message
The system sends a message to an application when it needs an immediate
response from the application. It sends a message by passing the message
data as arguments to the window procedure. The window procedure carries out
the request or lets the system carry out default processing for the
The following sections describe messages and message queues in detail.
All messages contain information that an application uses to carry out
tasks. There are two types of messages: queue messages and window messages.
Queue messages are messages stored in a message queue. Window messages are
messages sent to a window procedure. Although these message types have very
different formats, the information they contain is nearly identical.
Every message contains a message identifier. The message identifier is an
integer value that determines whether the message is information or a
request. When an application processes a message, it uses the message
identifier to determine what to do.
Every message contains a window handle. The window handle identifies the
window for which the message is intended. The window handle is important
because most message queues and window procedures serve more than one
window. The window handle ensures that the application processes the message
for the appropriate window.
Messages contain two message parameters. A message parameter is a 32-bit
value that specifies data or the location of data to be used in processing
the message. The meaning and value of a message parameter depends on the
message. Message parameters can be pointers to structures containing
additional data, integer values, packed bit flags, and so on. Some messages
do not use message parameters and typically set the parameters to zero. An
application always checks the message identifier to determine how to
interpret the message parameters.
Queue messages also contain the message time and mouse position. The message
time specifies the system time, in milliseconds, when the message was
created. The mouse position specifies the location of the mouse pointer, in
screen coordinates, when the message was created.
A queue message is a QMSG data structure that contains six fields
representing the window handle, message identifier, two message parameters,
message time, and mouse position. The time and position are provided because
most queue messages are input messages, representing keyboard or mouse input
from the user. The time and position help the application identify the
context of the message. The system posts a queue message by filling the
QMSG structure and copying it to a message queue.
A window message consists of the window handle, the message identifier, and
two message parameters. A window message does not include the message time
and mouse position because most window messages are requests to carry out a
task that is not related to the current time or mouse-pointer position.The
system sends a window message by passing these values as individual
arguments to a window procedure.
Message Queues
Every Presentation Manager application needs a message queue. A message
queue is the only means an application has to receive input from the
keyboard or mouse. Only applications that create message queues can create
A message queue is internal storage reserved by the application for
receiving and holding posted messages. An application creates a message
queue by using the WinCreateMsgQueue function. This function returns a
handle the application can use to access the message queue. After an
application creates a message queue, the system posts messages intended for
windows in the application to that queue. The application can retrieve queue
messages by specifying the message-queue handle in a call to the WinGetMsg
function. It can examine messages without retrieving them by using the
WinPeekMsg function. When an application no longer needs the message queue,
it can destroy it by using the WinDestroyMsgQueue function.
Message queues serve all windows created by the application. This means a
queue may hold messages for several windows. Most messages specify the
windows to which they belong, so the application can easily apply a message
to the appropriate window. Messages that do not specify a window apply to
the entire application.
An application that has more than one thread can create more than one
message queue. The system allows one message queue for each thread. A
message queue created by an application thread belongs to that thread and
has no connection to other queues in that application. When an application
creates a window in a given thread, the system associates the window with
the message queue in that thread. The system then posts all subsequent
messages intended for the window to that queue.
Although multiple message queues are possible, most Presentation Manager
applications use threads sparingly and so use only one message queue.
Since several windows typically use a message queue, it is important that
the message queue be large enough to hold all possible messages that may be
posted to it. An application can set the size of the message queue when it
creates the queue by specifying the maximum number of messages the queue can
To minimize the queue size, several types of posted messages are not
actually stored in a message queue. Instead, the system keeps a record in
the queue of the message being posted and combines any information contained
in the message with information from previous messages. Timer, semaphore,
and paint messages are handled in this way. For example, if more than one
WM_PAINT message is posted, the system combines the update regions for each
into a single update region. Although there is no actual message in the
queue, the system constructs one WM_PAINT message with the single update
region when an application uses the WinGetMsg function.
Mouse and keyboard input messages are also not stored in the message queue.
These are stored in the system message queue. The system message queue is a
system-owned queue that receives and holds messages for all mouse and
keyboard input. The system does not copy these messages to application
message queues. Instead, the WinGetMsg function searches the system queue
for input messages belonging to the application when there are no other
higher-priority messages in the application's message queue. The system
message queue is usually large enough to hold all input messages, even if
the user is typing or moving the mouse very quickly. If the system queue
does run out of room, the system ignores the most recent keyboard input
(usually beeping to indicate it is ignored) and collects mouse motions into
a single motion.
Every message queue has a corresponding data structure. The data structure
specifies the identifiers of the process and thread that own the message
queue and gives a count of the maximum number of messages the queue can
receive. An application can retrieve the data structure by using the
WinQueryQueueInfo function.
A message queue also has a current status. The status specifies whether any
messages are available in the queue. An application can retrieve the queue
status by using the WinQueryQueueStatus function. Since this function is
very fast, applications typically use it to check for messages rather than
using the WinPeekMsg function, which inspects the thread's message queue.
Message Loop
Every application with a message queue is responsible for retrieving the
messages from that queue. An application can do this by using a message
loop. A message loop is a program loop, usually in the application's main
function, that retrieves messages from the message queue and dispatches them
to the appropriate windows. The message loop consists of two function calls:
one to the WinGetMsg function, the other to the WinDispatchMsg function. The
message loop has the following form:
while (WinGetMsg(hab, &qmsg, NULL, 0, 0))
    WinDispatchMsg(hab, &qmsg);
An application starts the message loop after creating the message queue and
at least one application window. Once started, the message loop continues to
retrieve messages from the message queue and to dispatch (send) them to the
appropriate windows. The WinDispatchMsg function sends each message to the
window specified by the window handle in the message.
Only one message loop is needed for a message queue, even if the queue
contains messages for more than one window. Each queue message is a QMSG
structure that contains the handle of the window to which the message
belongs, so the WinDispatchMsg function always dispatches the message to the
proper window. The WinGetMsg function retrieves messages from the queue in
first-in, first-out (FIFO) order, so the messages are dispatched to windows
in the same order they were put in the queue.
If there are no messages in the queue, the system temporarily stops
processing the WinGetMsg function until a message arrives. This means that
CPU time slices that would otherwise be spent waiting for a message can be
given to the applications (or threads) that do have messages in their
The message loop continues to retrieve and dispatch messages until the
WinGetMsg function retrieves a WM_QUIT message. This message causes the
function to return FALSE, terminating the loop. In most cases, terminating
the message loop is the first step in terminating the application. An
application can terminate its own loop by posting the WM_QUIT message in its
own queue.
An application can modify its message loop in a variety of ways. For
example, it can retrieve messages from the queue without dispatching them to
a window. This is useful for applications that post messages that do not
specify a window (these messages apply to the application rather than to a
specific window; they have NULL window handles). An application can also
direct the WinGetMsg function to search for specific messages, leaving other
messages in the queue. This is useful for applications that temporarily need
to bypass the usual first-in, first-out order of the message queue.
Messages and Window Procedures
When the system needs an immediate response from an application, it sends a
message to a window procedure. A window procedure is a function that
receives and processes all input and requests for action sent to the window
by the system. Every window class has a window procedure and every window
created using that class uses the window procedure to respond to messages.
The system sends a message to the window procedure by passing the message
data as arguments to the window procedure. The window procedure carries out
an appropriate action for the given request. Most window procedures check
the message identifier, then use the information specified by the message
parameters to carry out the request. When it has completed processing the
message, the window procedure returns a message result. Each message has a
particular set of possible return values. The window procedure must return
the appropriate value for the processing it carried out.
A window procedure cannot ignore a message. If it does not process a
message, it must pass the message back to the system for default processing.
The window procedure can do this by calling the WinDefWindowProc function.
This function carries out a default action and returns the message result.
The window procedure must return this value as its own message result.
A window procedure commonly processes messages for several windows. It uses
the window handle specified in the message to identify the appropriate
window. Most window procedures process just a few types of messages and pass
the others on to the system by calling the WinDefWindowProc function.
Application Messages
Any application can post and send messages. Like the system, an application
posts a message by copying it to a message queue. It sends a message by
passing the message data as arguments to a window procedure. An application
can post a message by using the WinPostMsg function. It can send a message
by using the WinSendMsg function.
Typically, an application posts a message to notify a specific window to
carry out a task. The WinPostMsg function creates a QMSG structure for each
message and copies the message to the message queue corresponding to the
given window. The application's message loop eventually retrieves the
message and dispatches it to the appropriate window procedure. One message
commonly posted is WM_QUIT. This message terminates the application by
terminating the message loop.
Typically, an application sends a message to notify a specific window
procedure to immediately carry out a task. The WinSendMsg function passes
the message to the window procedure corresponding to the given window. The
function waits until the window procedure completes processing and then
returns the message result. It is very common for parent and child windows
to communicate by sending messages to each other. For example, a parent
window that has an entry-field control (as its child window) can set the
text of the control by sending the child window a message. The control can
notify the parent window of changes to the text (carried out by the user) by
sending messages back to the parent window.
Occasionally, an application may need to send or post a message to all
windows in the system. For example, if the application changes a system
value, it must notify all windows about the change by sending a
WM_SYSVALUECHANGED message. An application can send or post messages to any
number of windows by using the WinBroadcastMsg function. The options in
WinBroadcastMsg determine whether the message is sent or posted and specify
the number of windows to receive the message.
If an application has more than one thread, any thread in the application
can post messages to a message queue, even if that thread has no message
queue of its own. However, only threads that have a message queue can send
messages. Posting or sending messages between threads is relatively
uncommon. One reason for this is that it is costly in terms of system
performance to send a message. If you do post messages between threads, it
is likely to be for semaphore messages. Semaphore messages permit window
procedures to jointly manage a shared resource.
An application can post a message without specifying a window. If the
application supplies a NULL window handle when it calls the WinPostMsg
function, the function posts the message that is in the message queue of the
thread calling the function. Because the message has no window handle, the
message loop processes the message. This is one way to create messages that
apply to the entire application instead of to a specific window.
A window procedure can determine whether it is processing a message sent by
another thread by using the WinInSendMsg function. This is useful when
message processing depends on the origin of the message.
A common programming error is to assume that the WinPostMsg function always
posts a message. This is not true when the message queue is full. An
application should check the return value of the function to see if the
message has been posted. In general, if an application intends to post many
messages to the queue, it should set the message queue to an appropriate
size when it creates the queue. The default message-queue size is ten
System-Defined Messages
There are many system-defined messages. The system uses these messages to
control the operation of applications and to provide input and other
information for applications to process. The system sends or posts a
system-defined message when it communicates with an application. An
application can also send or post system-defined messages. Applications
typically use these messages to control the operation of control windows
created using the preregistered window classes.
Each system message has a unique message identifier and a corresponding
symbolic constant. The symbolic constant, defined in MS OS/2 header files,
typically states the purpose of the message. For example, the WM_PAINT
constant represents the paint message. The paint message requests a window
to paint its contents.
The symbolic constants also specify the message category. System-defined
messages can belong to several categories; the prefix identifies the type of
window that can interpret and process the messages. The following list gives
the prefixes and related message categories:
Prefix  Message category
BM      Button-control
EM      Entry-field control
LM      List-box control
MM      Menu
SBM     Scroll-bar control
SM      Static control
TBM     Title-bar control
WM      General window
General window messages cover a wide range of information and requests and
include mouse and keyboard-input messages, menu and dialog-input messages,
window-creation and window-management messages, and dynamic-data-exchange
(DDE) messages.
Application-Defined Messages
An application can create its own messages to use in its own windows. If an
application creates messages, the window procedure that receives the message
must interpret the message and provide appropriate processing.
MS OS/2 reserves the message-identifier values in the range 0x0000 through
(WM_USER-1) for system-defined messages. Applications cannot use these
values for private messages. Values in the range WM_USER through 0xBFFF are
available for message identifiers defined by an application for use in that
application. Values in the range 0xC000 through 0xFFFF are reserved for
message identifiers defined by an application.
Semaphore Messages
The semaphore messages are a way of signaling the end of an event through
the message queue. Applications use these messages like they use MS OS/2
semaphore functions to coordinate events by passing signals. Semaphore
messages are often used in conjunction with MS OS/2 semaphores.
There are four semaphore messages: WM_SEM1, WM_SEM2, WM_SEM3, and WM_SEM4.
An application posts one of the semaphore messages to signal the end of the
given event. The window that is waiting for the given event receives the
semaphore message when the message loop retrieves and dispatches the
Each semaphore message includes a bit flag that can be used to uniquely
identify 32 possible semaphores for each semaphore message. The application
passes the bit flag (with the appropriate bit set) as a message parameter
with the message. The window procedure that receives the message then uses
the bit flag to identify the semaphore.
To save space in a message queue, the system does not store semaphore
messages in the message queue. Instead, it sets a record in the queue,
indicating the semaphore message has been received, and then combines the
bit flag for the message with the bit flags from previous messages. When the
window procedure eventually receives the message, the bit flag specifies
each semaphore message posted since the last message was retrieved.
Message Priorities
The WinGetMsg function retrieves messages from the message queue based on
message priority. The function retrieves messages with higher priority
first. If it finds more than one message at a particular priority level, it
retrieves the oldest message first. Messages have the following priority:
Priority  Message
1         WM_SEM1
2         Messages posted using WinPostMsg
3         Input messages from the keyboard or mouse
4         WM_SEM2
5         WM_PAINT
6         WM_SEM3
7         WM_TIMER
8         WM_SEM4
Message Filtering
Applications can choose specific messages to retrieve from the message queue
(ignoring other messages) by specifying a message filter with the WinGetMsg
or WinPeekMsg function. The message filter is a range of message identifiers
(specified by a first and last identifier), a window handle, or both. The
functions use the message filter to select the messages to retrieve from the
queue. Message filtering is useful if an application needs to search ahead
in the message queue for messages that have a lower priority or that arrived
in the queue later than other less important messages.
Any application that filters messages must ensure that a message satisfying
the message filter can be posted. For example, filtering for a WM_CHAR
message in a window that does not have the input focus prevents the
WinGetMsg function from returning. Some messages, such as WM_COMMAND, are
generated from other messages; filtering for them may also prevent
WinGetMsg from returning.
WM_BUTTONCLICKLAST, and WM_DDE_FIRST and WM_DDE_LAST can be used to filter
for mouse, button, and DDE messages.