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About Window Procedures (1.2)
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                          About Window Procedures
This topic describes window procedures and the default window procedure. You
should also be familiar with the following topics:
    Window classes
    Messages and message queues
    Dialog windows
Every window in MS OS/2 is associated with a window procedure that controls
all aspects of the window: its appearance, how it responds to state changes,
and how it processes user input.
Each window class has an associated window procedure, and all windows of
that class use the same window procedure. For example, the system defines a
window procedure for the frame window class, and all frame windows use that
window procedure.
Applications typically define at least one new window class and an
associated window procedure. The application can then create many instances
of windows with that class, all of which use the same window procedure. Note
that this means that the same piece of code may be called from several
sources simultaneously. Therefore, care must be used when modifying shared
resources from a window procedure.
Dialog procedures have the same structure and function as window procedures.
All material referring to window procedures in this topic also applies to
dialog procedures. The only real difference between a dialog procedure and a
window procedure is the recommended default procedure and what messages are
The rest of this topic shows how to write a window procedure and associate
it with a window class.
Structure of a Window Procedure
All window procedures share a common syntax and structure. Because all
messages must use the same calling syntax, the arguments and return value
for window procedures are interpreted differently depending on the message
being handled. The following sections describe the syntax and structure of a
window procedure.
Calling Convention
From a programmer's point of view, a window procedure is a function that
takes four arguments and returns a long word. The function must use Pascal
calling conventions; that is, the arguments are pushed on the stack from
left to right in the function definition and the function must clear the
arguments from the stack before returning. This is different from the normal
C-language calling convention, so the Microsoft C Optimizing Compiler
provides the pascal keyword for defining functions that use the Pascal
calling convention.
You should use the EXPENTRY macro when defining window procedures to ensure
that the functions are declared appropriately.
Finally, you must ensure that the data-segment register is properly set up
on entry to the window procedure. When the system calls the window
procedure, it passes the proper data segment in the ax register. If you are
programming in Microsoft C, use the _loadds keyword in your window-procedure
definitions. This causes the compiler to insert the proper prolog and epilog
code in your window procedures so that the data segment is initialized and
restored properly. If you are programming in assembly language, you should
load the ds register from ax on entry and restore the ds register on exit.
If you are using another development environment, consult the relevant
documentation for the appropriate compiler switch.
Because a window procedure can be called recursively, it is probably best to
minimize the number of local variables used in the window procedure. To
avoid overusing local variables and possible stack overflow in deep
recursion, you should call other functions outside your window procedure to
process individual messages.
A window procedure takes four arguments: The first is a window handle; the
second is a USHORT message designator, and the last two arguments are
declared with the MPARAM data type, which is defined in the include files as
a far pointer to the VOID data type (a generic pointer). The message
arguments often contain information in both the low and high words of the
long word. There are several macros defined in the pmwin.h include file that
make it easier to extract bytes or integers from the MPARAM value. These
macros include SHORT1FROMMP, which extracts the low-order word from an
MPARAM value.
The window-procedure arguments are described in the following list:
Argument  Description
hwnd      Window handle of the window receiving the message.
msg       Message identifier. The message will generally correspond to one
          of the predefined constants (for example, WM_CREATE) defined in
          the system include files. This argument can also be equal to an
          application-defined message identifier. Application-defined
          messages must be greater than WM_USER. If a window procedure does
          not process a message, it is strongly recommended that it pass the
          message to the WinDefWindowProc function. This allows the default
          processing for the message to occur.
mp1       Message parameter. Its interpretation depends on the particular
mp2       Message parameter. Its interpretation depends on the particular
Return Value
The return value of a window procedure is defined as an MRESULT type. This
is defined in the include files as a far pointer to a VOID data type. The
actual interpretation of the return value depends on the particular message.
Consult the description of each message to determine the appropriate return
Default Window Procedure
All windows in MS OS/2 share certain fundamental behavior. This basic
behavior is encapsulated in the WinDefWindowProc function, the default
window procedure. The default window procedure is provided so you can get
the minimal functionality for a window by calling WinDefWindowProc. Control
windows defined by the system can also call WinDefWindowProc for default