overview.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
About Paths (1.2)
Using Section  Function Group                     Up Next Previous
                                About Paths
This topic describes a graphics object called a path. You should also be
familiar with the following topics:
    Presentation spaces and device contexts
    Line and arc primitives
    Color and mix modes
    Area primitives
A path is a figure that is filled or outlined. You can use paths to draw
geometric (wide) lines, create nonrectangular clipping regions, and outline
and/or fill irregular shapes and polygons.
Paths provide the only means of drawing lines that are wider than one pel
(pixel); the only means of clipping to circular, elliptical, or other
nonrectangular regions; and the only means of generating filled or outlined
irregular shapes and polygons (including triangles, trapezoids, rhomboids,
and other nonrectangular regions). To generate filled or outlined
rectangles, you can use the GpiBox function, and to generate filled or
outlined circles and ellipses, you can use the GpiFullArc function.
A path is similar to another graphics object called an area, but there are
fundamental differences between the two objects. The interior of an area is
always filled, while the interior of a path can be empty. Even when the
interior of a path is empty, the borders are visible. Paths with empty
interiors are called stroked paths because their visible borders are drawn,
or "stroked." Another difference is in the use of paths and areas.
Applications perform clipping operations by using paths but not by using
areas. For more information about areas, see the topic Area primitives.
There are two operations that an application can perform on a path: stroke
and fill. You use a stroked path to draw geometric lines and to outline
polygons. You use a filled path to fill the interior of polygons.
When MS OS/2 strokes a path, it generates a geometric line along the
original line that defined the path. The end result is like the stroke of a
brush. When MS OS/2 fills a path, it fills the region surrounded by the
original line that defined the path. If this original line did not close the
region, MS OS/2 automatically closes the region and fills the path.
The functions that generate a path are always enclosed in a path bracket.
The GpiBeginPath function defines the beginning of a path bracket, and the
GpiEndPath function defines the end of a path bracket. The functions you can
use within a path bracket are as follows:
♦  GpiBeginElement
♦  GpiBox
♦  GpiCallSegmentMatrix
♦  GpiCharString
♦  GpiCharStringAt
♦  GpiCharStringPos
♦  GpiCharStringPosAt
♦  GpiCloseFigure
♦  GpiComment
♦  GpiCreateLogFont
♦  GpiDeleteElement (retain mode only)
♦  GpiDeleteElementRange (retain mode only)
♦  GpiDeleteElementsBetweenLabels (retain mode only)
♦  GpiDeleteSetId
♦  GpiElement
♦  GpiEndElement
♦  GpiEndPath
♦  GpiFullArc
♦  GpiGetData
♦  GpiLabel
♦  GpiLine
♦  GpiMarker
♦  GpiMove
♦  GpiOffsetElementPointer
♦  GpiPartialArc
♦  GpiPointArc
♦  GpiPolyFillet
♦  GpiPolyFilletSharp
♦  GpiPolyLine
♦  GpiPolyMarker
♦  GpiPolySpline
♦  GpiPop
♦  GpiPutData
♦  GpiQueryArcParams (not valid in retain mode)
♦  GpiQueryAttrMode
♦  GpiQueryCurrentPosition (not valid in retain mode)
♦  GpiSetArcParams
♦  GpiSetAttrMode
♦  GpiSetAttrs
♦  GpiSetCharAngle
♦  GpiSetCharBox
♦  GpiSetCharDirection
♦  GpiSetCharMode
♦  GpiSetCharSet
♦  GpiSetCharShear
♦  GpiSetColor
♦  GpiSetCp
♦  GpiSetCurrentPosition
♦  GpiSetEditMode
♦  GpiSetElementPointer (not valid in retain mode)
♦  GpiSetElementPointerAtLabel (not valid in retain mode)
♦  GpiSetLineEnd
♦  GpiSetLineJoin
♦  GpiSetLineType
♦  GpiSetLineWidth
♦  GpiSetMarker
♦  GpiSetMarkerBox
♦  GpiSetMarkerSet
♦  GpiSetMix
♦  GpiSetModelTransformMatrix
Geometric Lines
A geometric line is a stroked path that your application can scale by using
one of the scaling transformations. Geometric lines can be wider than one
pel. When you draw geometric lines, you use the same functions you would use
to draw normal lines: GpiMove, GpiLine, GpiPolyLine, GpiPartialArc, and so
on. But you must enclose these functions in a path bracket.
After constructing a path bracket for a geometric line, you must specify a
line-end style, a line-join style, and a line width. To specify the line-end
style, you call the GpiSetLineEnd function; to specify the line-join style,
you call the GpiSetLineJoin function; and to specify the line width, you
call the GpiSetLineWidthGeom function. Once you have completed these steps,
you can draw the line by calling the GpiStrokePath function.
Polygons and Other Shapes
As noted earlier, the GpiFullArc function can generate filled or outlined
circles and ellipses, and the GpiBox function can generate filled or
outlined rectangles. But to generate filled or outlined regions that are not
circular, elliptical, or rectangular, you should use the path functions.
Fill Modes
To fill a path, MS OS/2 uses one of two methods, called fill modes. You can
select the mode──either alternate or winding──when you call GpiFillPath. If
the path consists of multiple intersecting regions, the mode will affect the
final appearance of the path.
Alternate Mode
When an application specifies the alternate mode, MS OS/2 performs a test on
pels inside the path's boundary lines. This test involves the following
1  Select a pel within the path's boundary lines.
2  Draw an imaginary ray, in the positive x-direction, from that pel towards
3  Highlight the pel if the ray intersects the boundary lines of the path an
   odd number of times.
Winding Mode
When an application specifies winding mode, MS OS/2 again performs a test on
pels inside the path's boundary lines. The winding-mode test, which differs
from the alternate-mode test, involves the following steps:
1  Determine the direction in which each boundary line was drawn.
2  Select a pel within the path's boundary lines.
3  Draw an imaginary ray, in the positive x-direction, from that pel towards
4  Each time the ray intersects a boundary line with a positive y-component,
   increment a count value, and each time the ray intersects a boundary line
   with a negative y-component, decrement the count value.
5  Highlight the pel if the count value is nonzero.
Clip Paths
Clipping is the process of discarding output that shouldn't appear in a
window or on a page of printer paper. Normally, a clip region is a rectangle
or a polygon defined by intersecting rectangles.
You can create rectangular clip regions by calling the GpiCreateRegion and
GpiSetClipRegion functions. But you can also create nonrectangular clip
regions, called clip paths, by generating a path that matches the
nonrectangular region and then setting that path to a clip region by calling
the GpiSetClipPath function.
Path Attributes
Path attributes describe or identify a path's fill pattern, its color, and
how it is drawn. If the path is a geometric line, several additional
attributes describe its width, line-end style, and line-join style.
The line-width attribute specifies the width (in world units) of the
geometric line. A world unit is a unit of measure in the world coordinate
system. To set the width of a geometric line, you can use the
GpiSetLineWidthGeom function.
The line-end-style attribute specifies the shape of the end of the geometric
line. You can draw geometric lines with square, flat, or round ends. To set
the line-end style, you can use the GpiSetLineEnd function. (The round and
square ends extend past the starting and ending points of a line; a flat end
does not.)
The line-join-style attribute specifies the shape formed by two intersecting
geometric lines. You can select a beveled, rounded, or mitred line-join
style. To set the line-join style, you can use the GpiSetLineJoin function.
The pattern that fills a path or geometric line can be a bitmap that
measures 8 bits by 8 bits or a character from one of the character sets. MS
OS/2 uses the pattern or character to fill the interior of the path that
defines the geometric line. If the pattern is a bitmap, you can alter its
appearance by shifting its reference point, a point that the system uses to
align the bitmap each time it copies the bitmap into the pattern.
The color of the fill pattern depends on the foreground and background mix
modes as well as the foreground and background pattern colors. The mix modes
tell MS OS/2 how to combine the foreground and background pattern colors
with the existing color on the drawing surface. For more information about
foreground and background mix modes, see the topic Color and mix modes.
When you create a presentation space, the geometric-line attributes are set
to the following default values:
Geometric-line attribute  Default value
Line width                1 world unit
Line-end style            LINEEND_FLAT
Line-join style           LINEJOIN_BEVEL
Pattern symbol            Solid rectangle
Foreground color          CLR_NEUTRAL (black on most devices)
Background color          CLR_BACKGROUND (white on most devices)
Foreground mix mode       FM_OVERPAINT
Background mix mode       BM_LEAVEALONE
Reference point           (x = 0, y = 0)
You can retrieve the current geometric-line attributes by calling the
GpiQueryAttrs function. This function copies the current attributes into one
of the five attribute-bundle structures: AREABUNDLE, CHARBUNDLE,
structures contain the geometric-line attributes that affect the appearance
of paths.
                                             .ifdef (PRINT) The AREABUNDLE
structure has the following form:
typedef struct _AREABUNDLE { /* pbnd */
    LONG   lColor;          /* pattern foreground color    */
    LONG   lBackColor;      /* pattern background color    */
    USHORT usMixMode;       /* pattern mix mode            */
    USHORT usBackMixMode;   /* background pattern mix mode */
    USHORT usSet;           /* bitmap local identifier     */
    USHORT usSymbol;        /* character identifier        */
    POINTL ptlRefPoint ;    /* pattern reference point     */
To change the current attributes, use the GpiSetAttrs function.