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About Line and Arc Primitives (1.2)
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                       About Line and Arc Primitives
This topic describes the line and arc primitives. You should also be
familiar with the following topics:
    Presentation spaces and device contexts
    Coordinate spaces and transformations
    Color and mix modes
Line and arc primitives are straight lines and arcs, respectively, that are
drawn by line and arc functions. These primitives are useful for creating
pictures that consist of objects such as polygons, circles, fillets,
ellipses, and other geometric figures.
Line and arc primitives are useful in many applications. Spreadsheet
applications use them to construct pie charts, bar charts, and graphs.
Simple drawing applications use them as drawing tools. Computer-aided-design
(CAD) applications combine them to draw such complex pictures as schematic
diagrams for electrical wiring, blueprints for a building site, and
cross-sectional views of machinery. This broad range of pictures, from
simple pie charts to complex blueprints, demonstrates how these primitives
can benefit your applications.
In addition to the line and arc functions, there are numerous other
functions that you can use to alter the appearance of lines and arcs drawn
by the primitive functions. These "other" functions are called attribute
functions since they alter the attributes, or characteristics, of lines and
Drawing Straight Lines
You draw straight lines by calling the GpiMove function and either the
GpiLine or GpiPolyLine function. GpiMove sets the current position to the
starting point of a line; GpiLine draws a single line from the current
position to a specified point; and GpiPolyLine draws a series of connected
lines, from the current position through successive points in an array.
When MS OS/2 draws a line, it includes the pels at the starting and ending
points of the line. The algorithm used to draw the rest of the line depends
on the device driver. For example, a driver for a raster device may use a
modified Brezenham algorithm to draw a line, but a driver for a vector
device, such as a plotter, simply connects the line's starting and ending
points. In all cases, the result is a line primitive that looks the same
from device to device.
Drawing Arcs
You draw arcs by using GpiMove and one of the following functions:
Function            Description
GpiFullArc          Draws a circle or an ellipse.
GpiPartialArc       Draws a section of a circle or ellipse.
GpiPointArc         Draws an arc through three points.
GpiPolyFillet       Draws one or more fillets.
GpiPolyFilletSharp  Draws one or more fillets with varying degrees of
GpiPolySpline       Draws one or more splines.
The terms circle, ellipse, fillet, and spline are important in discussing
arc primitives. A circle is a closed curve with a center from which every
point on the curve is equidistant. An ellipse is a closed curve defined by
two fixed points such that the sum of the distances from any point on the
curve to the two fixed points is constant. A fillet is a curve that, given
three control points, is tangent to the first and last points. A spline is a
curve that, given four control points, is tangent to the first and last
Arc Parameters
When you draw an arc or an ellipse in your application, the image that
appears on the drawing surface reflects the current values of the arc
parameters, p, q, r, and s. The default value of p is 1, as is the default
value of q; the default value of r is 0, as is the default value of s. These
parameters form a two-by-two matrix that scales and shears ellipses and arcs
drawn by the GpiFullArc, GpiPointArc, and GpiPartialArc functions:
    | p=1  r=0 |
    | s=0  q=1 |
The parameters p and q are scaling values: p scales in the x-direction; q
scales in the y-direction. The parameters r and s are shear components. When
you alter r and s, a sheared ellipse or arc results.
All of the arc operations begin with a unit circle that lies at the origin
in the world coordinate system. The arc parameters define a transformation
that is applied to each point on the perimeter of the unit circle. For any
point (x,y) on the perimeter of the unit circle, there exists a new point
(x',y'), as determined by the following two algorithms:
          x' = p * x + r * y
          y' = s * x + q * y
If the addition of (p * r) and (s * q) is zero, the transformation is
orthogonal, and the line from the origin (0,0) to the point (p,s) is either
the radius of a circle or half of the major or minor axis of an ellipse. The
line from the origin to the point (r,q) is either the radius of a circle or
half of the minor or major axis of an ellipse.
Additional scaling transformations in your application can change the shape
of the figure accordingly. For instance, if the page units in your
application are PU_PELS and the pels on your device are rectangular (rather
than square), MS OS/2 will draw an ellipse (rather than a circle) with
GpiFullArc when the arc parameters are set to their default values.
If (p * q) is greater than (r * s), MS OS/2 draws the ellipse
counterclockwise for the GpiFullArc and GpiPartialArc functions. If (p q) is
less than (r * s), MS OS/2 draws the ellipse clockwise, and if (p * q) is
equal to (r * s), MS OS/2 draws a straight line rather than an ellipse.
You can determine the current arc parameters by calling the
GpiQueryArcParams function, which copies the current arc parameters to their
corresponding fields in the ARCPARAMS structure. You can set the arc
parameters by calling GpiSetArcParams and passing it a copy of the
ARCPARAMS structure that contains the new arc parameters you want to use.
Line Attributes
Every line and arc has style, width, and color characteristics. These
characteristics are called line attributes.
The first line attribute, line style, defines the way the line is drawn:
solid, as a series of dashes, as a series of dots, or as a combination of
dashes and dots. The second line attribute, line width, defines the width of
the line in pels. The third line attribute, line color, defines the color
used to draw the line. Usually, this color is mixed with colors already on
the drawing surface. This means that the final color of a line or curve
depends not only on the line color but on the mix mode and the color of the
drawing surface as well. If you draw a dotted or dashed line, the color that
appears between the dots or dashes is the current drawing-surface color. The
mix mode tells MS OS/2 how to combine the line and background colors (using
a bitwise operation on the bits in the corresponding RGB values). For
example, one mix mode combines the bits by using the bitwise OR operator.
The resulting line has both the line and background colors. Using this mix
mode, you would make a purple line when the line color is red and the
background color is blue. For more information about color and mix-mode
attributes, see the topic Color and mix modes.
When you create a normal presentation space, the line attributes are set to
the following default values:
Line attribute  Default value
Line style      LINETYPE_SOLID
Line color      CLR_NEUTRAL
Line width      1.0
Mix mode        FM_OVERPAINT
You can retrieve the current line-attribute values by calling the
GpiQueryAttrs function. This function copies the current line attributes to
a LINEBUNDLE structure. You can change the values at any time by calling the
GpiSetAttrs function. To make changes, you retrieve the current line
attributes, set the appropriate fields in the LINEBUNDLE structure to new
values, and pass the structure to GpiSetAttrs.
Several of the fields in this structure apply to a special wide line that
you can construct using the path functions. For more information about paths
and wide lines, see the topic Paths.