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About Window Timers (1.2)
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                            About Window Timers
This topic describes the functions and messages that let an application post
a timer message at a specified time. You should also be familiar with the
following topics:
    Messages and message queues
A window-timer message is an input message that the system posts to a
message queue after a specified period of time elapses. The period of time,
called the time-out value, is expressed in milliseconds. An application
starts the timer for a given window and specifies the time-out value. The
system counts down approximately that number of milliseconds and then posts
a WM_TIMER message to the message queue for the corresponding window.
The time-out value can be any value in the range zero through 65,535.
However, MS OS/2 cannot guarantee that all values are accurate. The actual
time-out depends on how often the application retrieves messages from the
queue and on the system clock rate. In many computers, the MS OS/2 system
clock ticks about every 50 milliseconds, but this can vary widely from
computer to computer. In general, a timer message cannot be posted more
frequently than every system clock tick. To make the system post a timer
message as often as possible, an application can set the time-out value to
Timer messages are continuous──that is, after timing out, a system starts
the countdown again. Once an application starts a timer, the system repeats
the timing cycles until the application stops the timer.
An application starts a timer by using the WinStartTimer function. If a
window handle is given, the timer is created for that window. In this case,
the WinDispatchMsg function dispatches the WM_TIMER message to the given
window when the message is retrieved from the message queue. If a NULL
window handle is given, it is up to the application to check for WM_TIMER
messages and dispatch them to the appropriate window.
The number of timers an application can start is limited; in fact, the
number of available timers for the system is limited. An application can
check the total number of available timers by reading the SV_CTIMERS system
value. However, this value does not specify how many timers have already
been started. In general, an application should not use more than three or
four timers at the same time.
Every timer has a unique timer identifier, also called a timer ID. An
application can request that a timer be created with a particular identifier
or have the system choose a unique value. When a WM_TIMER message is
received, the timer identifier is contained in the first message parameter.
Timer identifiers allow an application to determine the source of the
WM_TIMER message.
Three timer identifiers are reserved and should not be used by applications.
The system timer identifiers and their symbolic constants are as follows:
Value            Meaning
TID_CURSOR       The cursor-blinking timer. This controls cursor blinking.
                 Its time-out value is stored in the os2.ini file under the
                 CursorBlinkRate keyname in the PM_ControlPanel section.
TID_FLASHWINDOW  The window-flashing timer.
TID_SCROLL       The scroll-bar-repetition timer. This timer controls
                 scroll-bar response when the mouse button or a key is held
                 down. Its time-out value is specified by the system value
WM_TIMER messages, like WM_PAINT and the semaphore messages, are not posted
to a message queue. Instead, when the time-out elapses, the system sets a
record in the queue indicating which timer message has been posted. The
system builds the WM_TIMER message when the application retrieves the
message from the queue.
Although a timer message may be in the queue, if there any higher priority
messages in the queue, the application retrieves the other messages first.
If the time-out elapses again before the message has been retrieved, the
system does not create a separate record for this timer. This means the
application should not depend upon the timer messages being processed at
precise intervals. To check the accuracy of the message, an application can
retrieve the actual system time by using the WinGetCurrentTime function.
Comparing the actual time with the actual time of the previous timer message
can be useful in determining what action to take for the timer.