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Using Line and Arc Primitives (1.2)
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                       Using Line and Arc Primitives
You can use the line and the arc functions to perform the following tasks:
♦  Draw a straight line.
♦  Create a "rubber-banding" effect with straight lines or arcs.
♦  Draw a circle, ellipse, fillet, or spline.
Drawing a Straight Line
To draw a straight line, you must first set the current position by calling
the GpiMove or GpiSetCurrentPosition function, then draw the line by calling
the GpiLine function. The following code fragment shows how to draw straight
LONG DrawLine(hps, pptlStart, pptlEnd)
HPS hps;            /* presentation-space handle            */
PPOINTL pptlStart;  /* pointer to coordinates of line start */
PPOINTL pptlEnd;    /* pointer to coordinates of line end   */
    POINTL ptl_start, ptl_end;   /* point structures            */
    ptl_start.x = pptlStart->x;  /* loads starting x-coordinate */
    ptl_start.y = pptlStart->y;  /* loads starting y-coordinate */
    ptl_end.x = pptlEnd->x;      /* loads ending x-coordinate   */
    ptl_end.y = pptlEnd->y;      /* loads ending y-coordinate   */
    GpiMove(hps, &ptl_start);    /* sets current position       */
    if (GpiLine(hps, &ptl_end))  /* draws line                  */
        return (1L);
        return (0L);
The second argument to the GpiMove function is the address of a structure
that contains coordinates of the line's starting point; the second argument
to the GpiLine function is the address of a structure that contains the
coordinates of the last point on the line.
Creating a Rubber-Banding Effect with a Straight Line
When lines are drawn with a rubber-banding effect, two things happen: The
original line (if one exists) is erased, and a new line is drawn in its
place. This process takes place each time the mouse is dragged and continues
until the mouse button is released. The quickest way to erase the original
line is to set the foreground mix mode to FM_XOR and redraw the line. The
following code fragment demonstrates how you can create this effect:
HPS hps;          /* presentation-space handle  */
POINTL ptlStart;  /* starting point of line     */
POINTL ptlNew;    /* ending point of line       */
POINTL ptlPrev;   /* previous end point of line */
BOOL fDraw;       /* line-drawing flag          */
GpiSetColor(hps, CLR_GREEN); /* sets line-drawing color to green */
MRESULT FAR PASCAL GenericWndProc(hwnd, usMessage, mp1, mp2)
HWND hwnd;
USHORT usMessage;
    case WM_BUTTON1DOWN: /* user begins drawing */
        ptlStart.x = (LONG) (LOUSHORT(mp1));
        ptlStart.y = (LONG) (HIUSHORT(mp1));
        GpiConvert(hps, CVTC_DEVICE, CVTC_WORLD, 1L, &ptlStart);
        ptlPrev.x = ptlStart.x;
        ptlPrev.y = ptlStart.y;
        GpiMove (hps, &ptlStart);
        fDraw = TRUE;
    return TRUE;
    case WM_MOUSEMOVE: /* user draws line */
    if (fDraw) {
        ptlNew.x = (LONG) (LOUSHORT(mp1));
        ptlNew.y = (LONG) (HIUSHORT(mp1));
        GpiConvert(hps, CVTC_DEVICE, CVTC_WORLD, 1L, &ptlNew);
        GpiSetMix(hps, FM_XOR);
        if ((ptlStart.x != ptlPrev.x) || (ptlStart.y != ptlPrev.y)) {
            GpiMove(hps, &ptlStart);
            GpiLine(hps, &ptlPrev);
        if ((ptlStart.x != ptlNew.x) || (ptlStart.y != ptlNew.y)) {
            GpiMove(hps, &ptlStart);
            GpiLine(hps, &ptlNew);
            ptlPrev.x = ptlNew.x; ptlPrev.y = ptlNew.y;
        GpiSetMix(hps, FM_OVERPAINT);
    return TRUE;
    case WM_BUTTON1UP: /* user stops drawing */
        fDraw = FALSE;
        return TRUE;
Drawing a Circle
To draw a circle, all of the transformations between the world, model, page,
and device spaces must maintain square units. This means that instead of
pels for page units, the application should select metric or English page
units. (On most devices, a pel is rectangular, not square.) This also means
that the x-values and y-values for any scaling transformations should be
equal. If the transformations maintain square units, the default arc
parameters will transform an ellipse drawn by the GpiFullArc function into a
If the page units are Low English and the default transformations are set,
the following code fragment draws a circle with a diameter of 1 inch:
ARCPARAMS arcp;           /* structure for arc parameters   */
HPS hps;                  /* presentation-space handle      */
POINTL ptlPos;            /* structure for current position */
FIXED fxMult;             /* multiplier for circle          */
    arcp.lP = 1L; arcp.lQ = 1L;
    arcp.lR = 0L; arcp.lS = 0L;
        &arcp);                     /* sets parameters to default */
    ptlPos.x = 100;                 /* loads x-coordinate         */
    ptlPos.y = 100;                 /* loads y-coordinate         */
    GpiMove(hps, &ptlPos);          /* sets current position      */
    fxMult = (50 * 65536);          /* sets multiplier            */
    GpiFullArc(hps, DRO_OUTLINE,    /* draws circle               */
The second argument to the GpiFullArc function, DRO_OUTLINE, specifies that
MS OS/2 should draw only the outline of the circle (rather than filling the
interior with the current fill pattern). The third argument, fxMult,
specifies that MS OS/2 should multiply the size of the circle by 50 units.
Since the page units are PU_LOENGLISH and the default transformations are
set, 50 units are equivalent to ½ inch. The circle will have a ½-inch radius
and a 1-inch diameter.
Drawing an Ellipse
If the world, model, page, and device transformations are set so that they
maintain square units, you can use the arc parameters to transform the shape
of the ellipse drawn by the GpiFullArc function. The following code fragment
alters the arc parameter p by doubling its value, making the ellipse twice
as wide horizontally as it is vertically.
If the page units are PU_LOENGLISH and the default transformations are set,
the following code fragment draws an ellipse with a 2-inch major axis
(parallel to the x-axis) and a 1-inch minor axis (parallel to the y-axis).
The ellipse is centered over a point in the lower-left corner of a maximized
ARCPARAMS arcp;      /* structure for arc parameters   */
HPS hps;             /* presentation-space handle      */
POINTL ptlPos;       /* structure for current position */
LONG fxMult;         /* multiplier for ellipse         */
    arcp.lP = 2L; arcp.lQ = 1L;
    arcp.lR = 0L; arcp.lS = 0L;
        &arcp);                    /* sets parameters to default */
    ptlPos.x = 200;                /* loads x-coordinate         */
    ptlPos.y = 100;                /* loads y-coordinate         */
    GpiMove(hps, &ptlPos);         /* sets current position      */
    fxMult = (50 * 65536);         /* sets multiplier            */
    GpiFullArc(hps, DRO_OUTLINE,   /* draws circle               */
The arc-parameter field lP is set to 2, and the arc-parameter field lQ is
set to 1. From these parameters, MS OS/2 creates an ellipse with a major
axis that is twice as long as the minor axis.
Drawing a Fillet
When you draw a fillet, each curve is tangent to two lines. The curve of the
first fillet is always tangent to a line drawn between the current position
and the first control point and a line drawn between the current position
and the second control point.
The following code fragment shows how to draw a single curve using the
current position and two control points:
POINTL aptl[2];  /* structure for control points */
HPS hps;         /* presentation-space handle    */
    aptl[0].x = 50;       /* loads x-coord. of first control point  */
    aptl[0].y = 50;       /* loads y-coord. of first control point  */
    GpiMove(hps, aptl);   /* sets current position                  */
    aptl[0].x = 75;       /* loads x-coord. of second control point */
    aptl[0].y = 75;       /* loads y-coord. of second control point */
    aptl[1].x = 100;      /* loads x-coord. of third control point  */
    aptl[1].y = 50;       /* loads y-coord. of third control point  */
    GpiPolyFillet(hps,    /* draws fillet                           */
        2L, aptl);
When you draw a sharp fillet, the sharpness value controls the shape of the
curve: If the value is greater than 1, a hyperbola is drawn; if the value is
1, a parabola is drawn; and if the value is less than 1, an ellipse is
drawn. The following code fragment uses a sharpness value greater than 1,
which creates a hyperbolic curve:
POINTL aptl[2];        /* structure for control points */
FIXED fxSharpness[1];  /* array with sharpness value   */
HPS hps;               /* presentation-space handle    */
    aptl[0].x = 50;     /* loads x-coord. of first control point  */
    aptl[0].y = 50;     /* loads y-coord. of first control point  */
    GpiMove(hps, aptl); /* sets current position                  */
    aptl[0].x = 75;     /* loads x-coord. of second control point */
    aptl[0].y = 75;     /* loads y-coord. of second control point */
    aptl[1].x = 100;    /* loads x-coord. of third control point  */
    aptl[1].y = 50;     /* loads y-coord. of third control point  */
    fxSharpness[0] = 1; /* sets sharpness value                   */
    GpiPolyFilletSharp(hps, /* draws fillet                       */
        2L, aptl, fxSharpness);
Drawing a Spline
When you use the GpiPolySpline function to draw a spline, each curve is
tangent to the first and last lines of three intersecting lines. The
following code fragment shows how to draw a spline:
POINTL aptl[3];  /* structure for control points */
HPS hps;         /* presentation-space handle    */
    aptl[0].x = 50;      /* loads x-coord. of first control point  */
    aptl[0].y = 50;      /* loads y-coord. of first control point  */
    GpiMove(hps, aptl);  /* sets current position                  */
    aptl[0].x = 75;      /* loads x-coord. of second control point */
    aptl[0].y = 75;      /* loads y-coord. of second control point */
    aptl[1].x = 100;     /* loads x-coord. of third control point  */
    aptl[1].y = 75;      /* loads y-coord. of third control point  */
    aptl[2].x = 125;     /* loads x-coord. of fourth control point */
    aptl[2].y = 50;      /* loads y-coord. of fourth control point */
    GpiPolySpline(hps,   /* draws spline                           */
        3L, aptl);