overview.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
About Fonts and Character Primitives (1.2)
Using Section  Function Group                     Up Next Previous
                    About Fonts and Character Primitives
This topic defines typographic terms and concepts that are part of the
Microsoft Operating System/2 application programming interface (API). You
should also be familiar with the following topics:
    Presentation spaces and device contexts
    Coordinate spaces and transformations
    Color and mix modes
A font family is a collection of fonts that share common stroke-width and
serif characteristics. The term stroke width refers to the width of lines
used to draw characters and symbols from a font. A font, part of a font
family, is a collection of characters and symbols that share a common
height, line weight, and appearance. The height of a font is specified in
printer's points, or points, a point being a typographic unit of measurement
equal to 1/72 of an inch. The five categories of line weight and appearance
are listed as follows:
♦  Normal
♦  Bold
♦  Condensed
♦  Expanded
♦  Italic
Characters from a bold font are drawn with a heavier line weight. Characters
from an italic font are drawn with a normal line weight and slanted up and
to the right. Characters from a normal font are drawn with a normal line
Font Metrics
Every character in a font is drawn within a rectangular region called a
character cell. Through the lower half of the character cell is drawn an
imaginary horizontal line called the baseline. All uppercase letters and
most lowercase letters in a given font rest on the baseline. Some lowercase
letters, such as g or y, descend below the baseline. MS OS/2 uses the
baseline to position characters. When an application draws a string of text,
MS OS/2 positions the leftmost point of the baseline over a predetermined
point for each character in the string. The distance from the bottom of the
character cell to its top is the character-cell height, and the distance
from the baseline to the top of the character cell is the character-cell
ascent. Similarly, the character-cell descent is the distance from the
baseline to the bottom of the character cell, and the width of the character
cell is the distance from one side to the other.
The average distance from the baseline to the top of any uppercase character
is called a font's em height. This measurement was given its name because
the height of an uppercase letter M is usually equal to the average height
of all uppercase characters in the font. The average distance from the
baseline to the top of any lowercase character is called a font's x height.
This measurement was given its name because the height of a lowercase letter
x is usually equal to the average height of all lowercase characters in the
font. The average character width is determined by multiplying the width of
each lowercase letter by a predetermined factor, adding the results for each
letter in the alphabet, and then dividing by 1000. The average character
width is determined by the setting in the lAveCharWidth field in the
FONTMETRICS structure. Kerning is an adjustment to space between certain
characters in a font. Some fonts contain a kerning table, which is a table
of kerning values specifying the amount of space that should appear between
certain characters. You can examine the kerning information by calling the
GpiQueryKerningPairs function. You cannot set kerning for a font, but you
can simulate kerning for an image font, using MS OS/2 Font Editor, by
adjusting the a-space and c-space for each character. The a-space is the
space between the left edge of a character cell and the left edge of the
cell's character. The c-space is the space between the right edge of a
character cell and the right edge of its character.
Most of the terms described in the previous pages have corresponding fields
in a special structure called a FONTMETRICS structure.
Image and Outline Fonts
Characters in a font are stored either as bitmaps or as collections of calls
to line, arc, and path functions. Fonts stored as bitmaps are image fonts.
Fonts stored as collections of line, arc, and path calls are outline fonts.
Some fonts adjust the width of character cells so that narrow letters like a
lowercase l or i appear closer to adjacent characters. Fonts that adjust the
width of character cells are called proportional fonts; fonts that do not
are called fixed fonts. Proportional fonts are generally easier to read than
fixed fonts.
Glyphs, Code Pages, and Code Points
The image or picture that you associate with each character or symbol in a
font is a glyph. A set of glyphs is called a code page. Each code page
contains 256 code points (16-bit integers), in the range 0 through 255, that
correspond to the glyphs in that code page. MS OS/2 assigns unique
identifiers to each of its code pages. A common code page is code page 437.
Each code page contains four special code points: a first character, a last
character, a default character, and a break character. The default character
is the one that appears in text when an application specifies a code point
that does not lie between the first and last character code points. The
break character is the space character and often has the same code point as
the default character.
If the current font is the default system font, you can determine the
current code page by calling the GpiQueryCp function, or you can assign a
new code page by calling the GpiSetCp function.
Text Output
Text output is alphanumeric output drawn with characters and symbols from a
font. In MS OS/2, fonts are stored either in memory or on devices.
Applications access them through a device context associated with the
current presentation space. When you create a presentation space by calling
the GpiCreatePS or WinGetPS function, MS OS/2 assigns the presentation space
a default font from one of the fonts available either in memory or on the
associated device. You can retrieve information about this default font by
calling the GpiQueryFontMetrics function.
Text and Character Attributes
There are five character attributes that affect the appearance of your
application's text output. These character attributes are listed as
♦  Character color
♦  Character-color mix mode
♦  Character angle
♦  Character shear
♦  Character box
There are two character colors: foreground and background. The foreground
color is the color of the strokes in each character. The background color is
the color that appears behind the character.
There are two character mix modes that affect how MS OS/2 combines the
character colors with the existing color(s) on your application's drawing
surface. The foreground character mix mode is overpaint; the background
character mix mode is leave-alone. If the default colors and mix modes do
not suit your application, you can change them by calling the GpiSetAttrs
function. You can determine the current color and mix-mode settings by
calling the GpiQueryAttrs function. For more information about color and mix
modes, see the topic Color and mix modes. A special vector, drawn from the
origin of a Cartesian coordinate system through a point, defines the
character-angle attribute. MS OS/2 aligns the baseline with this vector. You
can retrieve the point that defines the character-angle vector by calling
the GpiQueryCharAngle function, or you can set the character angle by
calling the GpiSetCharAngle function and passing it the coordinates of a
point that defines the new vector.
A character box is an imaginary rectangle that applications use to scale
characters in a font. You can determine the current character-box dimensions
by calling the GpiQueryCharBox function. You can set new character-box
dimensions by calling the GpiSetCharBox function. The dimensions that you
pass to GpiSetCharBox and the dimensions that GpiQueryCharBox returns are
fixed values. A fixed value, which is a representation of a floating-point
number, is a 32-bit value whose high-order 16-bits contain the integral part
of the floating-point number and whose low-order 16-bits contain the
fractional part. The fractional part is the numerator of a fraction whose
denominator is fixed at 65,536. If, for example, one of the box dimensions
were 7.635 world units, you could obtain the corresponding fixed value by
multiplying 7.635 by 65,536 and storing the integer part of the result
(500,367) in a fixed variable. The high-order 16-bits would contain 0x0007
and the low-order 16-bits would contain 0xA28F.
A special vector, drawn from the origin of an imaginary Cartesian coordinate
system through a specified point, defines the character-shear attribute. MS
OS/2 aligns the vertical lines of the character box and the vertical strokes
in a character with this vector. You can determine the current
character-shear angle by calling the GpiQueryCharShear function. This
function returns a point you can use to determine the shear vector. You can
set the character-shear angle by calling the GpiSetCharShear function and
passing it a point structure with the appropriate values.
Character Modes
There are three character modes that determine whether MS OS/2 draws text
using the current character attributes. When character mode 1 is set and the
current font is an image font, MS OS/2 ignores the current shear, angle, and
box attributes. When character mode 2 is set and the current font is an
image font, MS OS/2 uses the current shear, angle, and box character
attributes when it draws image-font text. In the current release of MS OS/2
Presentation Manager, mode 3 is reserved for outline fonts; if an
application attempts to draw text output in mode 3 using an image font, MS
OS/2 issues an error.
You can determine which character mode is set by calling the
GpiQueryCharMode function. You can set a new character mode by calling the
GpiSetCharMode function.
If the current font is an outline font, MS OS/2 always draws text using the
current character attributes──regardless of the current character mode.
Font Files and Dynamic-Link Libraries
You can use Font Editor to alter and customize image-font files (files with
a .fnt extension). After creating a custom font tailored to your
application, you need to turn it into a dynamic-link library that your
application can load. Once your application loads this library, it can use
any font within it. A dynamic-link library is a collection of code and data
segments that applications can access at run time. The code and data in a
dynamic-link library is shareable──several applications can access it
simultaneously. Dynamic-link libraries that contain fonts are unique; they
contain data segments and empty (or useless) code segments. The MS OS/2
naming convention for a dynamic-link library requires that the library name
end with a .fon extension.
The following text explains how you can create a dynamic-link library that
contains your custom font. To create a dynamic-link library, you must use
masm, the Microsoft Macro Assembler; link, the Microsoft
Segmented-Executable Linker; and rc, the MS OS/2 Resource Compiler. For this
example, assume that your custom font file is named newfont.fnt.
After creating your custom font file, you need to create a special assembler
file with your editor. You can use the following code fragment as the source
code for this file:
code segment word   ;makes dummy code segment aligned on word boundary
db "empty_segment"  ;initializes a string in dummy segment
code ends           ;dummy segment ends here
end                 ;terminates source file
Call this file myfont.asm. After you have created myfont.asm, assemble it
with the following command:
masm myfont
After assembling the file, create a module-definition file. Call this file
myfont.def. It should contain the following statements:
LIBRARY myfont
The first statement tells the linker that you are creating a library with
the module name myfont. The second statement tells the linker that the
segments in this library are movable code segments.
After creating myfont.def, start the linker with the following command:
link myfont,,,,myfont.def
This command creates an empty executable file called myfont.exe.
After creating the empty executable file (which is the template for a
dynamic-link library), create a resource file and call it myfont.rc. For
example, if your font file is called newfont.fnt, you would place the
following statement in myfont.rc:
FONT    200     newfont.fnt
This statement assigns an identifier, 200, to the font resource
Finally, use Resource Compiler to add the font file (newfont.fnt) to the
empty dynamic-link library:
rc  myfont.rc
The executable file, myfont.exe, now contains your custom fonts. After you
have renamed this file myfont.fon, you can load the fonts into your
application by calling the GpiLoadFonts function and passing it a pointer to
the path and library name as the second argument──for example,
Selecting New Fonts
If you need to use a font other than the default system font in your
application, you can select a new one by calling the GpiCreateLogFont
function. There are two kinds of fonts that you can select: public fonts and
private fonts.
Public Fonts
Public fonts are those that a user loads by using the MS OS/2 Presentation
Manager Control Panel. There are three dynamic-link libraries that contain
the Courier, Helvetica, and Times Roman fonts. If you load each library by
using Control Panel, a total of 76 public fonts are available to any
application that you run. These fonts are available in both outline and
image formats in point sizes ranging from 8 to 24 points.
You can determine how many public fonts are currently loaded by calling the
GpiQueryFonts function and passing it the QF_PUBLIC flag as the second
argument, a NULL pointer as the third argument, and a count of 0 as the
fourth argument, as shown in the following code fragment:
FONTMETRICS fm, afm[80];
LONG lCount, lFontCount;
HPS hps;
lFontCount = GpiQueryFonts(hps,
    NULL,   /* queries all public fonts */
    (LONG) (sizeof(fm)),
    (PFONTMETRICS) afm);
You can determine the characteristics of the loaded public fonts by calling
GpiQueryFonts and passing it the QF_PUBLIC flag, the count of available
fonts returned by the first call, and the address of an array of
FONTMETRICS structures, as shown in the following code fragment. MS OS/2
copies the attributes of the fonts into the array of FONTMETRICS structures,
which you can then examine in order to select a font.
lFontCount = GpiQueryFonts(hps,
    (LONG) (sizeof(fm)),
    (PFONTMETRICS) afm);
Once you determine which font you need, call the GpiCreateLogFont function,
which copies various fields from the FONTMETRICS structure of the desired
font into their corresponding fields in a FATTRS structure. The fields in
the FATTRS structure describe the face name, code page, maximum baseline
extent, and average character width of the font you would like to use. A
special field, lMatch, contains a unique identifier that MS OS/2 uses to
match your request to a font. Another field in the FATTRS structure
specifies whether the font should be an image font or an outline font. You
can use other fields to request that MS OS/2 synthesize an italic,
underscored, strikeout, or bold font.
If MS OS/2 returns the value 2 after the call to GpiCreateLogFont, the
function was successful. You can begin using the font after you assign it to
the application's presentation space by passing the local identifier (lcid)
from GpiCreateLogFont to the GpiSetCharSet function.
Private Fonts
Private fonts are fonts that an application loads exclusively for its own
use. An application loads a private font when it calls the GpiLoadFonts
function and passes it the name of the dynamic-link library that contains
the fonts. (Note that in order to load a dynamic-link library of fonts, the
library must be in one of the directories pointed to by the libpath command
in the config.sys file.)
After the application loads the dynamic-link library of fonts, it can
determine the characteristics of the fonts in that library by calling the
GpiQueryFonts function.
You can determine how many private fonts are currently loaded by calling
GpiQueryFonts passing it the QF_PRIVATE flag as the second argument, a NULL
pointer as the third argument, and a count of 0 as the fourth argument, as
shown in the following code fragment:
FONTMETRICS fm, afm[80];
LONG lCount;
lFontCount = GpiQueryFonts(hps,
    NULL,   /* queries all private fonts */
    (LONG) (sizeof(fm)),
    (PFONTMETRICS) afm);
You can determine the characteristics of the loaded private fonts by calling
GpiQueryFonts and passing it the QF_PRIVATE flag, the count of available
fonts returned by the first call, and the address of an array of
FONTMETRICS structures, as shown in the following code fragment. MS OS/2
copies the font attributes into the array of FONTMETRICS structures, which
you can then examine in order to select a font.
lFontCount = GpiQueryFonts(hps,
    (LONG) (sizeof(fm)),
    (PFONTMETRICS) afm);
Once you determine which font you need, call the GpiCreateLogFont function,
which copies various fields from the FONTMETRICS structure into their
corresponding fields in a FATTRS structure. The fields in the FATTRS
structure describe the face name, code page, maximum baseline extent, and
average character width of the font you would like to use. A special field,
lMatch, contains a unique identifier that MS OS/2 uses to match your request
to a font. Other fields in the FATTRS structure specify whether the font is
an outline font or an image font and whether it is proportional or fixed.
You can use another of the fields to request that MS OS/2 synthesize an
italic, underscored, strikeout, or bold font.
If MS OS/2 returns the value 2 after the call to GpiCreateLogFont, the
function was successful. You can begin using the font after you assign it to
the application's presentation space by passing the local identifier (lcid)
from GpiCreateLogFont to the GpiSetCharSet function. If MS OS/2 returns 1
after you call GpiCreateLogFont, the function was not successful and the new
font is the default system font.