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About Scroll-Bar Controls (1.2)
Using Section  Message Group                      Up Next Previous
                         About Scroll-Bar Controls
This topic describes creating and using scroll bars in Presentation Manager
applications. You should also be familiar with the following topics:
    Messages and message queues
Scroll bars are control windows that convert mouse and keyboard input into
integer values. Applications typically use scroll bars to control scrolling
the contents in a client window.
A scroll bar has several parts: the bar, arrows, and the slider. These are
found on vertical and on horizontal scroll bars. Arrows are located at each
end of a scroll bar. The left scroll arrow, on the left side of a horizontal
scroll bar, lets the user scroll toward the left in a document. The right
scroll arrow lets the user scroll toward the right. The upper scroll arrow
lets the user scroll upward in the document. The lower scroll arrow lets the
user scroll downward.
The slider, a hollow box, lies between the two scroll arrows. The slider
position in the scroll bar the reflects current value of the scroll bar.
When the slider is against the left or top scroll arrow, the scroll-bar
value is at a minimum; when the slider is against the right or bottom arrow,
the scroll-bar value is at a maximum. The area between the scroll arrows is
called the slider background.
Scroll bars monitor the slider position and send notification messages to
the owner window when the slider position changes through mouse or keyboard
Scroll bars are often used in frame windows. A frame window automatically
places scroll bars at the right and bottom sides of a window, depending on
the scroll-bar style. The frame window automatically passes scroll-bar
messages on to its client window. The client window handles these messages
by adjusting the display. The client window can also send messages directly
to the scroll bar, directing the scroll bar to adjust its range so that it
will map to the data scrolling in the client window.
An application can use scroll bars as stand-alone controls in any size or
shape, at any position, in any sort of window. Scroll bars can be used as
parts of other controls──for example, list-box controls use a scroll bar to
let the user view items when the list box is too small to display all the
Scroll-Bar Creation
An application creates a scroll bar by using the preregistered window class
WC_SCROLLBAR. The application can create a scroll bar by using the
WinCreateWindow function. There are two scroll-bar styles: SBS_HORZ and
SBS_VERT. The style SBS_HORZ creates a horizontal scroll bar; SBS_VERT
creates a vertical scroll bar. Although most applications specify an owner
when creating a scroll bar, an owner is not required. If no owner is
specified, the scroll bar does not send notification messages. An
application can retrieve the scroll bar's current slider position by sending
the SBM_QUERYPOS message to the scroll bar.
An application can specify the style of the slider by using the
SBS_AUTOTRACK scroll-bar style. The style SBS_AUTOTRACK causes the entire
slider to track the mouse when the user scrolls. If this style is not used,
only an outlined image of the slider will track the mouse, and the slider
will jump to the new location when the mouse is released.
An application can specify class-specific data when creating a scroll bar.
The SBCDATA structure specifies the initial range and slider position for
the scroll bar.
If a scroll bar is a descendant of a frame window, its position relative to
the parent window may change when the frame window's position changes. Frame
windows draw scroll bars relative to the upper-left corner of the frame
window (rather than the lower-left corner). The frame window may adjust the
y-coordinate of the scroll-bar position. This is desirable when the scroll
bar is an immediate child window of the frame window, but may be undesirable
if the scroll bar is not an immediate child window.
Scroll-Bar Range and Position
Every scroll bar has a range and a slider position. The range specifies the
maximum and minimum values for the slider position. As the user moves the
slider in the scroll bar, its position is reported as an integer value in
the range. If the slider position is the minimum value, the slider is at the
top of a vertical scroll bar or at the left end of a horizontal scroll bar.
If the slider position is the maximum value, the slider is at the bottom or
right end of the vertical or horizontal scroll bar, respectively.
An application can adjust the range to convenient integer values by using
the SBM_SETSCROLLBAR message (or initially, by using the SBCDATA structure).
This makes it easy to translate the slider position to a value that
corresponds to the data being scrolled. For example, an application that has
260 lines of text to display in a window that can show only 16 lines at a
time can set the vertical scroll-bar range to 1 through 244. When the slider
is at position 1, the first line is at the top of the window. When the
slider is at position 244, the last line is at the bottom of the window.
To keep the scroll-bar range in useful relationship with the data, an
application must adjust the range whenever the data or the size of the
window changes. This means an application should adjust the range as part of
processing WM_SIZE messages.
An application must move the slider in the scroll bar. Although the user
makes a request for scrolling in the scroll bar, the scroll bar does not
update the slider position. Instead, it passes the request to the owner
window. The owner window must scroll the data and update the slider position
by using the SBM_SETPOS message. Because the application controls the slider
movement, it can move the slider in increments that work best for the data
being scrolled.
Scroll-Bar Notification Messages
The scroll bar sends notification messages to the scroll-bar owner whenever
the user clicks the scroll bar. The WM_VSCROLL and WM_HSCROLL messages are
the notification messages for vertical and horizontal scroll bars,
respectively. If the scroll bar is a frame-control window, the message is
passed by the frame window to the client window.
Each notification message includes the scroll-bar identifier, the specific
scroll-bar command code that corresponds to the user's action, and, in some
cases, the current position of the slider. If a scroll bar is created as
part of a frame control window, the scroll-bar identifier is one of the
predefined constants FID_VERTSCROLL or FID_HORZSCROLL. Otherwise, it is the
identifier given in the WinCreateWindow function.
The scroll-bar command codes specify the action the user has taken. The code
specifies where the user has clicked the mouse. MS OS/2 user-interface
guidelines recommend certain responses for each action. The following is a
list of the command codes and the recommended responses. In each case, a
"unit" is defined by the application and should be appropriate for the given
data. For example, when scrolling text vertically, the unit is typically a
Command code       Description
SB_LINEUP          User clicked the top scroll arrow. Decrement the slider
                   position by one and scroll toward the top of the data by
                   one unit.
SB_LINEDOWN        User clicked the bottom scroll arrow. Increment the
                   slider position by one and scroll toward the bottom of
                   the data by one unit.
SB_LINELEFT        User clicked the left scroll arrow. Decrement the slider
                   position by one and scroll toward the left end of the
                   data by one unit.
SB_LINERIGHT       User clicked the right scroll arrow. Increment the slider
                   position by one and scroll toward the right end of the
                   data one unit.
SB_PAGEUP          User clicked the scroll-bar background above the slider.
                   Decrement the slider position by the number of data units
                   in the window and scroll toward the top of the data by
                   the same number of units.
SB_PAGEDOWN        User clicked the scroll-bar background below the slider.
                   Increment the slider position by the number of data units
                   in the window and scroll toward the bottom of the data by
                   the same number of units.
SB_PAGELEFT        User clicked the scroll-bar background to the left of the
                   slider. Decrement the slider position by the number of
                   data units in the window and scroll toward the left end
                   of the data by the same number of units.
SB_PAGERIGHT       User clicked the scroll-bar background to the right of
                   the slider. Increment the slider position by the number
                   of data units in the window and scroll toward the right
                   end of the data by the same number of units.
SB_SLIDERTRACK     User is dragging the slider. Applications that draw data
                   quickly can set the slider to the position given in the
                   message and scroll the data by the same number of units
                   the slider has moved. Applications that cannot draw data
                   quickly should wait for the SB_SLIDERPOSITION code before
                   moving the slider and scrolling the data.
SB_SLIDERPOSITION  User released the slider after dragging it. Set the
                   slider to the position given in the message and scroll
                   the data by the same number of units the slider has
SB_ENDSCROLL       User released the mouse after holding it on an arrow or
                   in the scroll-bar background. No action is necessary.
If the scroll-bar command code is SB_SLIDERTRACK or SB_SLIDERPOSITION,
indicating that the user is moving the scroll-bar slider, the notification
message also contains the current position of the slider.
The owner window can send a message to the scroll bar to read its current
value and range or to reset its current value. The owner window can adjust
data controlled by the scroll bar to reflect any changes in the state of the
scroll bar.
An application can disable a scroll bar by using the WinEnableWindow
function. A disabled scroll-bar window ignores the user's actions, sending
out no notification messages when the user tries to manipulate it. If an
application has no data to scroll or all data fits in the client window, it
should disable the scroll bar.
Scroll bars have their own system color, SYSCLR_SCROLLBAR. This color is
used to paint the scroll-bar background. Other system colors are used in
other parts of the scroll bar.
Scroll Bars and the Keyboard
When a scroll bar has the keyboard focus, it generates notification messages
for the following keys:
Key        Command code
If an application uses scroll bars to scroll data but does not give the
scroll bar the input focus, the window with the focus should process
keyboard input itself. The window can generate scroll-bar notification
messages or carry out the indicated scrolling. The following list gives the
keys a window should process and what action to take for each:
Key             Command
UP              SB_LINEUP
CTRL+HOME       SB_SLIDERTRACK with slider set to minimum position
CTRL+END        SB_SLIDERTRACK with slider set to maximum position
HOME            SB_SLIDERTRACK with slider set to minimum position
END             SB_SLIDERTRACK with slider set to maximum position
Vertical scroll bars that are part of list boxes have the following keyboard
Key        Command
CTRL+UP    SB_SLIDERTRACK with slider set to minimum position
CTRL+DOWN  SB_SLIDERTRACK with slider set to maximum position
F7         SB_PAGEUP
F8         SB_PAGEDOWN
The application must implement the suggested scroll-bar/keyboard interface.
This can be accomplished by appropriate handling of WM_CHAR messages.