Programmer's WorkBench (pwb.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Options Menu, Editor Settings Command
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─────Programmer's WorkBench─────────────────────────────────────────────────
     Options menu, Editor Settings command
     The Editor Settings dialog box provides the following options to
     view the current switch settings and change PWB switches:
     Option          Description
     Switch          Specifies the switch setting that is acted upon by
                     the command buttons (see below).
     Switch Owner    Specifies the owner of the switches displayed in
                     the Switch List box. This can be PWB or any loaded
                     extension (PWBHELP, for example).
     Switch Type     Specifies the class of switches shown in the
                     Switch List box.
     Switch List     Lists the switches that are defined by the Switch
                     Owner with the Switch Type.
     The following command buttons operate on the setting shown in the
     Switch text box at the top of the dialog box:
     Command         Description
     Set Switch      Performs the switch assignment specified by the
                     text in the Switch text box.
     Save            Brings up the Save Switches dialog box where you
                     can select the changed settings that you want to
                     save for the next session.
                     See: Save Switches
     Switch Help     Displays help on the text shown in the Switch box.
     To accept the new settings, choose OK. To cancel all switch
     settings you make while the dialog box is open, choose Cancel.
     TIP: Double-click the switch in the list that you want to change.
          PWB automatically moves the cursor to the Switch text box and
          selects the switch's value. You can type in the new value.
     NOTE: When you choose Set Switch, most switch settings take effect
           immediately. However, changes to the Height switch do not
           take effect until you choose OK.
     Boolean Switch Syntax
     PWB Switches (List by Type)
     PWB Switches (Alphabetical List)
     PWB Switches (List by Category)
     Extension Switches
     Browser Switches
     Help Switches
     Profiler Switches
     C and C++ Switches
     FORTRAN Switches
     New PWB Switches
     Changed PWB Switches