Programmer's WorkBench (pwb.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
PWB Switches (Alphabetical List)
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─────Programmer's WorkBench─────────────────────────────────────────────────
     Switch              Description
     Askexit           Prompt before leaving PWB
     Askrtn            Prompt before returning from a shell
     Autoload          Load PWB extensions automatically
     Autosave          Save files when switching
     Backup            File backup mode
     Beep              Issue audible/visible alerts
     Build             Rules and definitions for the build process
     Case              Make letter case significant in searches
     Color             Color of interface elements
     Cursormode        Block/underline cursor state
     Dblclick          Double-click threshold
     Deflang           Default language
     Defwinstyle       Default window style
     Editreadonly      Allow editing of files marked read-only on disk
     Enablealtgr       Enable the ALTGR key on non-US keyboards
     Entab             Tab translation mode while editing
     Enterinsmode      Enter PWB in insert mode
     Enterlogmode      Enter PWB with search logging on
     Enterselmode      Enter PWB in specified selection mode
     Envcursave        Save environment variables for PWB sessions
     Envprojsave       Save environment variables for projects
     Factor            Auto-repeat factor
     Fastfunc          Functions for fast auto-repeat
     Filetab           Width of tab characters in the file
     Friction          Delay between repetitions of fast functions
     Height            Height of the display
     Hike              Window adjustment factor
     Hscroll           Horizontal scrolling factor
     Infodialog        Set of information dialogs displayed
     Keepmem           XMS/EMS memory kept during shell and compile
     Lastproject       Set the last project on startup
     Load              PWB extension to load
     Markfile          Name of the current mark file
     Mousemode         Mouse configuration; disabled or swapped buttons
     Msgdialog         Display a dialog box for build results
     Msgflush          Keep only one set of build results
     Newwindow         Create a new window when opening a file
     Noise             Line counting interval
     Printcmd          Command for printing files
     Readonly          Command for saving disk read-only files
     Realtabs          Preserve tab characters in the file
     Restorelayout     Restore the window layout when a project is set
     Rmargin           Right margin for word wrap
     Savescreen        Preserve the operating-system screen
     Searchdialog      Display a dialog box for search results
     Searchflush       Keep only one set of search results
     Searchwrap        Make searches wrap around the end of the file
     Shortnames        Allow access to loaded files by base name
     Showbuild         Display progress of build
     Softcr            Perform automatic indenting
     Tabalign          Align the cursor in tab fields
     Tabdisp           Character for displaying tab characters
     Tabstops          Variable tab stops
     Tilemode          Window tiling style
     Timersave         Timer interval for saving files
     Tmpsav            Number of files kept in file history
     Traildisp         Character for displaying trailing spaces
     Traillines        Preserve trailing lines
     Traillinesdisp    Character for displaying trailing lines
     Trailspace        Preserve trailing spaces
     Undelcount        Maximum number of file backups
     Undocount         Maximum number of edits per file to undo
     Unixre            Use UNIX regular-expression syntax
     User              Custom Run menu item
     Vscroll           Vertical scrolling factor
     Width             Width of the display
     Word              Definition of a word
     Wordwrap          Wrap words as they are entered
     Extension Switches
     Browser Switches
     Help Switches
     Profiler Switches
     C and C++ Switches
     FORTRAN Switches
     New PWB Switches
     Changed PWB Switches
     Update:New and Changed Features