qa.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Index: P-Q
   Help on Help  Contents  Index  DOS/BIOS Index  C Index
  Palette and Border, Get             Int. 10H, Funct. 10H, Sub. 09H
  Palette and Border, Set             Int. 10H, Funct. 10H, Sub. 02H
  Palette Register, Get               Int. 10H, Funct. 10H, Sub. 07H
  Palette Register, Set               Int. 10H, Funct. 10H, Sub. 00H
  Parallel Port Printer Driver        Int. 17H
  Park Heads                          Int. 13H, Funct. 19H
  Parse Filename                      Int. 21H, Funct. 29H
  Pointing Device Handler Addr., Set  Int. 15H, Funct. C2H, Sub. 07H
  Pointing Device Type, Get           Int. 15H, Funct. C2H, Sub. 04H
  Printer Output                      Int. 21H, Funct. 05H
  Printer Status, Get                 Int. 17H, Funct. 02H
  Process Termination                 Int. 15H, Funct. 82H
  Programmable Option Select          Int. 15H, Funct. C4H
  PSP Address, Get                    Int. 21H, Funct. 62H
  Push Character and Scan Code        Int. 16H, Funct. 05H