qc.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Operator Precedence
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  The table below lists the C operators and their precedence and
  associativity values. The lines separate precedence levels. The
  highest precedence level is at the top of the table.
  Symbol        Name or Meaning                         Associativity
 ────────────────────────────────Highest Precedence───────────────────
  ++            Post-increment                          Left to right
  --            Post-decrement
  ( )           Function call
  [ ]           Array element
  ->            Pointer to structure member
  .             Structure or union member
  :>            Base
  ++            Pre-increment                           Right to left
  --            Pre-decrement
  !             Logical NOT
  ~             Bitwise NOT
  -             Unary minus
  +             Unary plus
  &             Address
  *             Indirection
  sizeof        Size in bytes
  (type)        Type cast [for example, (float) i]
  *             Multiply                                Left to right
  /             Divide
  %             Remainder
  +             Add                                     Left to right
  -             Subtract
  <<            Left shift                              Left to right
  >>            Right shift
  <             Less than                               Left to right
  <=            Less than or equal to
  >             Greater than
  >=            Greater than or equal to
  ==            Equal                                   Left to right
  !=            Not equal
  &             Bitwise AND                             Left to right
  ^             Bitwise exclusive OR                    Left to right
  |             Bitwise OR                              Left to right
  &&            Logical AND                             Left to right
  ||            Logical OR                              Left to right
  ? :           Conditional                             Right to left
  =             Assignment                              Right to left
  *=, /=,       Compound assignment
  %=, +=,
  -=, <<=,
  &=, ^=,
  ,             Comma                                   Left to right
  ────────────────────────────────Lowest Precedence────────────────────
  See: Operators by Category