qc.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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  This table lists operators by category.
              Symbol                      Name or Meaning
                +                         Addition
                -                         Subtraction
                *                         Multiplication
                /                         Division
                %                         Modulus
                <                         Less than
                <=                        Less than or equal to
                >                         Greater than
                >=                        Greater than or equal to
                ==                        Equal
                !=                        Not equal
                =                         Assignment
                +=                        Addition
                -=                        Subtraction
                *=                        Multiplication
                /=                        Division
                %=                        Modulus
                <<=                       Left shift
                >>=                       Right shift
                &=                        Bitwise AND
                ^=                        Bitwise exclusive OR
                |=                        Bitwise OR
  ───────────────────Increment & Decrement─────────────────────────────
                ++                        Increment
                --                        Decrement
                &                         Bitwise AND
                ^                         Bitwise exclusive OR
                |                         Bitwise OR
                <<                        Left shift
                >>                        Right shift
                ~                         One's complement
                &&                        Logical AND
                ||                        Logical OR
                !                         Logical NOT
                &                         Address
                *                         Indirection
                :>                        Base
                                            Example: myseg:>bp
                                            The pointer bp acts as an
                                            offset into the segment
                                            specified by myseg.
                ? :                       Conditional
                                            (val >= 0) ? val : -val
                                            If the condition is true,
                                            the expression evaluates
                                            to val. If not, the
                                            expression equals -val.
                ( )                         Function call
                [ ]                         Array element
                .                           Structure or union member
                ->                          Pointer to structure member
                (type)                      Type cast
                sizeof                      Size in bytes
  See: Operator Precedence Table