qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
  Summary  Details                           Contents  Index  Back
 Consists of a visual container for controls, such as a window or dialog
 box; provides a foundation for creating applications in Visual Basic.
                            ┌┤■│  Form1  │▼││▲├┐
                            │                  │
                            │                  │
                            │                  │
                            │                  │
    Click        DblClick          DragDrop          DragOver
    GotFocus     KeyDown           KeyPress          KeyUp
    Load         LostFocus         MouseDown         MouseMove
    MouseUp      Paint             Resize            UnLoad
    CLS          DRAG              HIDE              LOAD
    MOVE         PRINT             PRINTFORM         REFRESH
    SHOW         TEXTHEIGHT        TEXTWIDTH         UNLOAD
    AutoRedraw   BackColor         BorderStyle       Caption
    ControlBox   CurrentX          CurrentY          DragMode
    Enabled      ForeColor         FormName          FormType
    Height       Left              MaxButton         MinButton
    MousePointer Parent            ScaleHeight       ScaleWidth
    Tag          Top               Width             WindowState
 See Also
    Building an Application
    Controls Summary
    Creating Controls at Design Time
    Designing Forms
    $FORM Metacommand
    Setting Form and Control Properties