qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Data Types and Operators
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 Data Types and Operators
 ■ The following keywords are used in Visual Basic to represent or manipulate
   data types and operators:
   AND             Logical operator (conjunction)
   CCUR            Converts numeric expression to currency
   CDBL            Converts numeric expression to double
   CINT            Converts numeric expression to integer
   CLNG            Converts numeric expression to long
   CONTROL         Special data type used in IF TYPEOF statement
   CSNG            Converts numeric expression to single
   CURRENCY        Scaled integer data type
   DEFCUR          Defines default data type as currency
   DEFDBL          Defines default data type as double
   DEFINT          Defines default data type as integer
   DEFLNG          Defines default data type as long
   DEFSNG          Defines default data type as single
   DEFSTR          Defines default data type as string
   DOUBLE          Double-precision data type
   FORM            Special data type for forms
   INTEGER         Integer (2-byte) data type
   IMP             Logical operator (implied)
   LONG            Long integer (4-byte) data type
   NOT             Logical operator (bit-wise complement)
   OR              Logical operator (inclusive OR)
   STRING          String data type (variable length)
   XOR             Logical operator (exclusive OR)
 See: Basic Data Types Summary
      ISAM Data Types Summary
      Keywords by Task