qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Clearing Breakpoints
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 Clearing Breakpoints
 ■ Breakpoints are places in a program where normal execution is interrupted
   to allow manual intervention. You can clear them when you no longer need
   them to halt execution.
 ■ To clear a single breakpoint:
   1. Position the cursor on the line containing the breakpoint
   2. From the Debug menu, choose Toggle Breakpoint, or press F9
      Visual Basic clears the breakpoint and removes the indicator color.
 ■ To clear all breakpoints in the application:
   1. From the Debug menu, choose Clear All Breakpoints
      Visual Basic clears all breakpoints in the application.
 ■ Breakpoints set in code are not saved when you save forms and modules.
   Closing a project or quitting Visual Basic automatically clears them.
 See: Setting Breakpoints