qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Setting Breakpoints
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 Setting Breakpoints
 ■ A breakpoint is a place in a program where normal execution is interrupted
   to allow manual intervention. You can set breakpoints to halt execution at
   specific statements in a procedure (for example, where you suspect
   problems may exist).
 ■ To set and use a breakpoint:
   1. Position the cursor
      Place the cursor anywhere in a line of the procedure where you want
      execution to halt.
   2. From the Run menu, choose Toggle Breakpoint, or press F9
      Visual Basic adds the breakpoint and displays the line in bold.
   3. Choose Start from the Run menu, or press F5
      • If the application halted during execution, choose Continue or press
        F5 to trace through the program.
      • Choose Restart from the Run menu or press Shift+F5 to reset variables
        and run the application from the beginning. Visual Basic halts
        execution whenever it encounters a breakpoint.
 ■ Breakpoints set in code are not saved when you save forms and modules.
   Closing a project or quitting Visual Basic automatically clears them.
 ■ A breakpoint is always set on the first statement of the line when you
   enter several statement separated by colons (:) in one line of code.
 ■ Breakpoints cannot be set in an executable file. A STOP statement,
   however, halts an executable file.
 See: Clearing Breakpoints