qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Control Menu Definition
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 Control Menu
 ■ The Control menu contains commands which allow you to restore, move, size,
   minimize, maximize, and close a window or form. For example:
         │ Restore     Ctrl+F5 │
         │ Move        Ctrl+F7 │
         │ Size        Ctrl+F8 │
         │ Minimize    Ctrl+F9 │
         │ Maximize   Ctrl+F10 │
         │ Close       Ctrl+F4 │
 ■ The shortcut key sequence for closing an MDI form is Alt+F4 rather than
   Ctrl+F4, as it is for other forms. See: MDI Applications
 ■ The Control menu is opened with the mouse by clicking the Control-menu
   box, or with the keyboard by pressing Alt+minus (Alt+-).
 ■ Which Control-menu commands are available at run time depends on the
   settings for related properties. For example, setting MaxButton and
   MinButton to False (0) disables those items on the Control menu, but the
   Move and Close commands are available.
   See: MaxButton Property  MinButton Property
 ■ When a window is minimized, only Restore, Move, Maximize, and Close are
   enabled on the Control menu.
 ■ When a window is maximized, only Restore, Minimize, and Close are enabled
   on the Control menu.
 ■ Use the Control menu when you want to provide a keyboard interface for
   users who don't have a mouse.
 See: Control-Menu Box Definition