qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Control-Menu Box Definition
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 Control-Menu Box
 ■ The Control-menu box is the small square in the upper-left corner of a
   window or form that provides access to the Control menu. For example:
         ┌│■│         [1] Untitled        │▼││▲│┐
         │                                      ↑
         │                                      ░
         │                                      ░
         │                                      ↓
         │                                      ─
   See: Control Menu Definition
 ■ Double-clicking a Control-menu box closes the window or form.
 ■ You use the following access and shortcut keys with a Control-menu box:
         Key        Action
         ═════════  ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
         Alt+minus  Opens the Control menu
         Ctrl+F4    Closes the form
         Ctrl+F5    Restores the form to its previous size
         Ctrl+F7    Allows you to move the form
         Ctrl+F8    Allows you to size the form
         Ctrl+F9    Minimizes the form
         Ctrl+F10   Maximizes the form
 ■ Both modal and modeless windows can include a Control-menu box.
   See: Modal Vs. Modeless
 ■ A Control-menu box cannot be displayed on a form with the BorderStyle
   property set to 0 (none). See: BorderStyle Property