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                The Resource Compiler AUTOCHECKBOX Statement
AUTOCHECKBOX text, id, x, y, width, height[, style]
The AUTOCHECKBOX statement creates an automatic-check-box control. The
control is a small rectangle (check box) that contains an X when the user
selects it. The specified text is displayed to the right of the check box.
An X appears in the square when the user first selects the control and
disappears the next time the user selects it. The AUTOCHECKBOX statement,
which you can use only in a DIALOG or WINDOW statement, defines the text,
identifier, dimensions, and attributes of a control window. The predefined
class for this control is WC_BUTTON. If you do not specify the style, the
default style is BS_AUTOCHECKBOX and WS_TABSTOP.
Field   Description
text    Specifies text that is displayed to the right of the control. This
        field must contain zero or more characters enclosed in double
        quotation marks. Character values must be in the range 1 through
        255. If a double quotation mark is required in the text, you must
        include the double quotation mark twice. A tilde (~) character in
        the text indicates that the following character is used as a
        mnemonic character for the control. When the control is displayed,
        the tilde is not shown, but the mnemonic character is underlined.
        The user can choose the control by pressing the key corresponding to
        the underlined mnemonic character.
id      Specifies the control identifier. This value must be an integer in
        the range 0 through 65,535, or a simple expression that evaluates to
        a value in that range.
x       Specifies the x-coordinate of the lower-left corner of the control.
        This value must be an integer in the range 0 through 65,535 or an
        expression consisting of integers and the addition (+) or
        subtraction (-) operator. The coordinate is assumed to be in dialog
        units and is relative to the origin of the dialog box, window, or
        control containing the specified control.
y       Specifies the y-coordinate of the lower-left corner of the control.
        This value must be an integer in the range 0 through 65,535 or an
        expression consisting of integers and the addition (+) or
        subtraction (-) operator. The coordinate is assumed to be in dialog
        units and is relative to the origin of the dialog box, window, or
        control containing the specified control.
width   Specifies the width of the control. This value must be an integer in
        the range 1 through 65,535 or an expression consisting of integers
        and the addition (+) or subtraction (-) operator. The width is in
        ¼-character units.
height  Specifies the height of the control. This value must be an integer
        in the range 1 through 65,535 or an expression consisting of
        integers and the addition (+) or subtraction (-) operator. The
        height is in 1/8-character units.
style   Specifies the control styles. For a list of possible styles, see the
        topic Button styles. You can use the bitwise OR (|) operator to
        combine styles.
This example creates an automatic-check-box control that is labeled
AUTOCHECKBOX "Italic", 101, 10, 10, 100, 100
See Also