rc.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Resource Compiler (1.2)
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Introduction     Introduction to the MS OS/2 Resource Compiler
ACCELTABLE       Creates an accelerator table
ASSOCTABLE       Defines an association table
AUTOCHECKBOX     Creates a predefined automatic-check-box control
AUTORADIOBUTTON  Creates an automatic radio-button control
BITMAP           Defines a bitmap resource
CHECKBOX         Creates a predefined check-box control
CODEPAGE         Sets the code page for subsequent resources
COMBOBOX         Creates a combination-box control
CONTROL          Creates a control for a dialog box or window
CTEXT            Creates a centered text control
CTLDATA          Defines data for dialog box, control, or window
#define          Assigns a value to a name
DEFPUSHBUTTON    Creates a default push-button control
DIALOG           Creates a dialog box
DLGINCLUDE       Includes a definition file for a dialog box
DLGTEMPLATE      Creates a dialog-box template
#elif            Compiles conditionally (else if)
#else            Compiles if conditional directive is false
#endif           Marks the end of an #ifdef block
ENTRYFIELD       Creates an entry-field control
FONT             Defines a font resource
FRAME            Creates a frame window
GROUPBOX         Creates a group box
HELPITEM         Specifies a help subtable and extended help panel
HELPSUBITEM      Specifies a child window and related help panel
HELPSUBTABLE     Creates a help subtable
HELPTABLE        Creates a help table
ICON control     Creates an icon control
ICON resource    Defines an icon resource
#if              Conditionally compiles if an expression is true
#ifdef           Conditionally compiles if a name is defined
#ifndef          Conditionally compiles if a name is not defined
#include         Includes a header file
LISTBOX          Creates a predefined list-box control
LTEXT            Creates a left-aligned text control
MENU             Creates a menu
MENUITEM         Creates a menu item in a menu
MESSAGETABLE     Creates a table of messages
MLE              Creates a multiple-line entry-field control
POINTER          Defines a pointer resource
PRESPARAMS       Defines a presentation field or fields
PUSHBUTTON       Creates a push-button control
RADIOBUTTON      Creates a radio-button control
RCDATA           Defines custom data
RCINCLUDE        Includes contents of a resource-definition file
RESOURCE         Defines a custom resource
RTEXT            Creates a right-aligned text control
STRINGTABLE      Creates a table of character strings
SUBITEMSIZE      Specifies the size of each help-subtable entry
SUBMENU          Creates a submenu in a menu
#undef           Removes a name definition
WINDOW           Creates a window
WINDOWTEMPLATE   Creates a window template