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                The Resource Compiler STRINGTABLE Statement
STRINGTABLE [load-option] [mem-option]
string-id string-definition
The STRINGTABLE statement creates one or more string resources for an
application. A string resource is a null-terminated character string that
has a unique string identifier. A string resource can be loaded from the
executable file when needed by using the WinLoadString function.
You can provide any number of STRINGTABLE statements in a
resource-definition file. The compiler treats all the strings from the
various STRINGTABLE statements as if they belonged to a single statement.
This means that no two strings in a resource-definition file can have the
same string identifier.
Field              Description
load-option        Specifies when the system loads the resource from the
                   executable file into memory. This value must be one of
                   the following:
                   Value       Meaning
                   PRELOAD     System loads the resource when the
                               application starts.
                   LOADONCALL  System loads the resource when the
                               application calls the WinLoadString function.
                               This is the default value.
mem-option         Specifies how the system manages the resource when it is
                   in memory. This value must be one or more of the
                   Value        Meaning
                   FIXED        System keeps the resource at a fixed memory
                   MOVEABLE     System moves the resource as necessary to
                                compact memory.
                   DISCARDABLE  System discards the resource if it is no
                                longer needed.
                   The default setting is MOVEABLE and DISCARDABLE.
string-id          Specifies the character-string identifier. This value
                   must be an integer in the range 0 through 65,535, or a
                   simple expression that evaluates to a value in that
                   range. The value can be specified in decimal or
                   hexadecimal notation. Each string identifier in a
                   resource-definition file must be unique.
string-definition  Specifies a character string. This field must contain
                   zero or more characters enclosed in double quotation
                   marks. Character values must be in the range 1 through
                   255. If a double quotation mark is required in the
                   string, you must include the double quotation mark
You can continue a string on multiple lines by terminating the line with a
backslash (\) or by terminating the line with a double quotation mark (")
and then starting the next line with a double quotation mark.
This example creates two string resources whose string identifiers are 1 and
#define IDS_HELLO    1
#define IDS_GOODBYE  2
    IDS_HELLO   "Hello"
    IDS_GOODBYE "Goodbye"
See Also