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Introduction to the MS OS/2 Resource Compiler (1.2)
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               Introduction to the MS OS/2 Resource Compiler
Microsoft Operating System/2 Resource Compiler (rc) is an
application-development tool that lets you add application resources, such
as message strings, pointers, menus, and dialog boxes, to your application's
executable file. MS OS/2 Resource Compiler is primarily intended to prepare
data for MS OS/2 applications that use functions such as WinLoadString,
WinLoadPointer, WinLoadMenu, and WinLoadDlg. These functions load resources
from the application's executable file or another specified executable file.
The application can then use the loaded resources as needed.
Resource Compiler and the resource functions let you quickly define and/or
modify application resources without recompiling the application itself.
That is, rc can modify the resources in an executable file at any time
without affecting the rest of the file. This means that you can create
custom applications from a single executable file──you just use rc to add
the custom resources you need to each application. Resource Compiler is
especially important for international applications because it lets you
define all language-dependent data, such as message strings, as resources.
Preparing the application for a new language is simply a matter of adding
new resources to the existing executable file.
This topic explains how to use MS OS/2 Resource Compiler. It describes the
resource-definition file used to define your application resources and
explains how to compile the file and add the resources to your executable
Using Resource Compiler
You use Resource Compiler by creating a resource-definition file and then
compiling the file and adding it to your application's executable file. The
following sections describe the resource-definition file and the rc
Resource-Definition Files
A resource-definition file (sometimes referred to as a resource script file)
consists of one or more resource statements that define the type,
identifier, and data for each resource. For example, the following
multiple-line resource statement defines a menu to be used with an
    MENUITEM "Alpha", 101
    MENUITEM "Beta", 102
A resource-definition file is a text file you can create by using an
ordinary text editor. Since some resources may contain binary data that
cannot be created using a text editor, many resource statements let you
specify additional files to include when compiling the resource-definition
file. For example, the following statement defines an icon and specifies the
file myicon.ico as containing the icon data:
ICON 1 myicon.ico
A resource-definition file can also contain directives. A directive is a
special statement that carries out a task such as including a header file,
defining constants, or conditionally compiling portions of the
resource-definition file. For example, the following directive includes the
header file os2.h when rc processes the resource-definition file:
#include <os2.h>
Resource-definition files typically have the .rc filename extension. This is
the default extension used by rc, so you should use it for all your
resource-definition files.
The Rc Program
The rc program is Resource Compiler. It compiles the resource-definition
file, creating a new file called a binary resource file, and then adds the
binary resource file to the application's executable file, replacing any
existing resources in that file.
You can start rc in three ways. One way compiles and adds a
resource-definition file to an executable file, another just compiles a
resource-definition file, and the third just adds a binary resource file to
an executable file. Thus, the rc command line has the following three basic
rc resource-definition-file [executable-file]
rc -r resource-definition-file [resource-file]
rc resource-file [executable-file]
The resource-definition-file field must be the filename of the
resource-definition file to be compiled. If the file is not in the current
directory, you must provide a full path. If you provide a filename without
specifying a filename extension, rc automatically appends the .rc extension
to the name.
The executable-file field must be the name of the executable file to receive
the compiled resources. This is usually a file having either a .exe or .dll
filename extension. If the file is not in the current directory, you must
provide a full path. If you omit the executable-file field, rc adds the
compiled resources to the executable file that has the same name as the
resource-definition file but which has the .exe filename extension. If you
specify the executable-file field but omit the filename extension, rc will
append the .exe extension. If this executable file does not exist, rc
displays an error message.
The -r option directs rc to compile the resource-definition file without
adding it to an executable file. You can use this option to prepare a binary
resource file that you can add to an executable file at a later time. If you
do not explicitly name a binary resource file along with the -r option, rc
uses the same name as the resource-definition file but with the .res
filename extension.
The resource-file field must be the name of the binary resource file to be
added to the executable file. If the binary resource file does not already
exist, rc creates it; otherwise, rc replaces the existing file. If the file
is not in the current directory, you must provide a full path. The binary
resource file must have the .res filename extension.
For example, to compile the resource-definition file example.rc and add the
result to the executable file example.exe, use the following command:
rc example
You do not need to specify the .rc extension for example. The rc program
creates the binary resource file example.res and then adds the compiled
resource to the executable file example.exe.
To compile the resource-definition file example.rc into a binary resource
file without adding the resources to an executable file, use the following
rc -r example
The compiler creates the binary resource file example.res. To create a
binary resource file that has a name different from the resource-definition
file, use the following command:
rc -r example newfile.res
To add the compiled resources in the binary resource file example.res to an
executable file, use the following command:
rc example.res
To specify the name of the executable file (if the name is different from
the resource file), use the following command:
rc example.res newfile.exe
To add the compiled resources to a dynamic-link-library (.dll) file, use the
following command:
rc example.res dynalink.dll
In addition to -r, rc offers two other command-line options: -k and -d. The
-k option lets you specify a code-page identifier or country code. The
syntax is as follows:
[-k codepage-id | country-code]
The codepage-id or country-code field contains one of the following
code-page identifiers or country codes:
Code-page ID    Country code    Meaning
932             81              Japan
934             82              Korea
936             86              China
938             88              Taiwan
The -d option lets you define up to eight symbolic constants on the command
line. The syntax is as follows:
[-d string] [-d string] [...]
In this example, string is a name, an integer constant, or an expression.
The -d option is useful for passing conditional-compilation flags to the rc
The following example specifies a Japanese code-page identifier and also
defines two symbolic constants to be passed to the preprocessor as
conditional-compilation flags:
rc -k 932 -d DEBUG -d VERSION=2 example
Note:  To process directives in the resource-definition file, rc uses the
       files rcpp.exe and rcpp.err. Be sure that these files are in the
       current directory or in a directory specified by your PATH
       environment variable. The rc program creates many temporary files and
       writes them to the directory indicated by the TMP or TEMP environment
       variable. If rc cannot write these temporary files to this directory,
       it writes them to the current directory.
Resource-Statement Syntax
Each resource statement consists of one or more keywords, numbers, character
strings, constants, or filenames. You combine these to define the resource
type, identifier, and data.
Keywords are words that have a special meaning to Resource Compiler. In a
statement, keywords specify the resource type, the load and memory options,
and the beginning and end of nested statements. You can use the rc keywords
only as specified in the statement syntax.
Keywords, except for those specifying directives, can be any combination of
uppercase and lowercase letters. Note that the curly braces, { and }, are
reserved characters. You can use them in place of the BEGIN and END
Numbers are integers that represent coordinates, dimensions, styles, and
other numeric data. You can specify numbers in decimal, octal, or
hexadecimal notation. Decimal numbers must contain decimal digits but can
start with a minus sign (-) when they represent a negative number.
Hexadecimal numbers must contain hexadecimal digits (uppercase or lowercase)
and must start with the characters 0x. Octal numbers are similar to
hexadecimal numbers, except that a lowercase letter o replaces the letter
The following example shows a variety of decimal, octal, and hexadecimal
1       0o1        0x1
10      0o12       0xA
255     0o377      0xFF
-1      0o177777   0xFFFF
65535   0o177777   0xFFFF
Statements that create controls in dialog windows and menu items in menus
require that you specify an identifier for each control or menu item.
Statements that create controls also require you to specify coordinates and
dimensions. You specify identifiers, coordinates, and dimensions using
integers in the range 0 through 65,535. Optionally, you can use simple
expressions that evaluate to integers from 0 through 65,535; this lets you
specify identifiers, dimensions, and coordinates that are relative to those
of the corresponding dialog window or menu.
Character strings represent names, labels, titles, and messages. A character
string consists of one or more characters enclosed in double quotation
marks. Character values must be in the range 1 through 255. If a double
quotation mark (") is required in a string, you must include the double
quotation mark twice. The meaning of each character value (that is, the
character each value represents) depends on the code page (character set)
defined for the resource-definition file.
Resource Compiler interprets the backslash (\) as an escape character in
character strings. You can include any ASCII character in a character string
by specifying either \xdd, where dd is the hexadecimal representation of an
ASCII character, or \nnn, where nnn is the octal representation of an ASCII
character. If a backslash is required in a string, you must include the
backslash twice.
Constants are names that have been assigned values by using the #define
directive. A constant can represent a number, a character string, or other
data. Most resource statements in a resource-definition file use constants,
and many use the constants defined in the MS OS/2 header files (for example,
os2.h). For this reason, you should always use the #include directive to
include os2.h in your resource-definition file.
Filenames are MS OS/2 filenames. If the specified file is not in the current
directory, you must specify the drive, directory, and filename.
Resource statements have three basic forms: single-line statements,
multiple-line statements, and directives.
Single-line statements consist of a keyword identifying the resource type, a
constant or number specifying the resource identifier, and a filename
specifying the file containing the resource data. For example, this ICON
statement defines an icon resource:
ICON 1 myicon.ico
The icon resource has the icon identifier 1. The file myicon.ico contains
the icon data.
Multiple-line statements consist of a keyword identifying the resource type,
a constant or number specifying the resource identifier, and, between the
BEGIN and END keywords, additional resource statements that define the
resource data. For example, this MENU statement defines a menu resource:
    MENUITEM "Alpha", 101
    MENUITEM "Beta",  102
The menu identifier is 1. The menu contains two MENUITEM statements that
define the contents of the menu.
In multiple-line statements such as DLGTEMPLATE and WINDOWTEMPLATE, rc
allows any level of nested statements. For example, the DLGTEMPLATE and
WINDOWTEMPLATE statements typically contain a single DIALOG or FRAME
statement. These statements can contain any number of WINDOW and CONTROL
statements; the WINDOW and CONTROL statements can contain additional WINDOW
and CONTROL statements; and so on. The nested statements let you define
controls and other child windows for the dialog boxes and windows. If a
nested statement creates a child window or control, the parent and owner of
the new window is the window created by the containing statement. (FRAME
statements occasionally create frame controls whose parent and owner windows
are not the same.)
Directives consist of the reserved character # in the first column of a
line, followed by the directive keyword and any additional numbers,
character strings, or filenames.
Binary Resource Files
The binary resource file created by Resource Compiler consists of one or
more resource entries, each in the following form:
struct {
    UCHAR  fResType;
    USHORT usResType;
    UCHAR  fResID;
    USHORT resid;
    USHORT fsOptions;
    ULONG  cb;
    BYTE   bytes[1];
The fields in each entry have the following meanings:
Field      Description
fResType   Specifies whether the resource-type identifier is a string or an
           integer. For MS OS/2, the resource type is always an integer and
           this field is set to 0xFF.
usResType  Specifies the resource-type identifier. This value is an integer
           in the range 0 through 65,535. The following resource types are
           Value            Meaning
           RT_ACCELTABLE    Accelerator table
           RT_BITMAP        Bitmap
           RT_CHARTBL       Character table
           RT_DIALOG        Dialog template
           RT_DISPLAYINFO   Display information
           RT_DLGINCLUDE    Dialog include-file name
           RT_FONT          Font
           RT_FONTDIR       Font directory
           RT_HELPSUBTABLE  Help subtable
           RT_HELPTABLE     Help table
           RT_KEYTBL        Key table
           RT_MENU          Menu template
           RT_MESSAGE       Error-message table
           RT_POINTER       Mouse-pointer shape
           RT_RCDATA        Binary data
           RT_STRING        String table
           RT_VKEYTBL       Virtual-key table
fResID     Specifies whether the resource identifier is a string or an
           integer. For MS OS/2, the resource identifier is always an
           integer and this field is set to 0xFF.
resid      Specifies the resource identifier. This value is an integer in
           the range 0 through 65,535.
fsOptions  Specifies the load and memory settings. This value can be a
           combination of the following:
           Value   Meaning
           0x0010  MOVEABLE resource. If not given, the resource is FIXED.
           0x0040  PRELOAD resource. If not given, the resource is
           0x1000  DISCARDABLE resource.
cb         Specifies the size of the resource (in bytes).
bytes      Contains the resource.