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#elif (1.2)
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                   The Resource Compiler #elif Directive
#elif constant-expression
The #elif directive marks an optional clause of a conditional-compilation
block defined by a #ifdef, #ifndef, or #if directive. The directive controls
conditional compilation of the resource file by checking the specified
constant expression. If the constant expression is nonzero, #elif directs
the compiler to continue processing statements up to the next #endif, #else,
or #elif directive and then skip to the statement after #endif. If the
constant expression is zero, #elif directs the compiler to skip to the next
#endif, #else, or #elif directive. You can use any number of #elif
directives in a conditional block.
Field                Description
constant-expression  Specifies the expression to be checked. This value is a
                     defined name, an integer constant, or an expression
                     consisting of names, integers, and arithmetic and
                     relational operators.
In this example, #elif directs the compiler to process the second BITMAP
statement only if the value assigned to the name "Version" is less than 7.
The #elif directive itself is processed only if Version is greater than or
equal to 3.
#if Version < 3
BITMAP 1 errbox.bmp
#elif Version < 7
BITMAP 1 userbox.bmp
See Also
#else, #endif, #if, #ifdef, #ifndef