rc.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
#if (1.2)
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                    The Resource Compiler #if Directive
#if constant-expression
The #if directive controls conditional compilation of the resource file by
checking the specified constant expression. If the constant expression is
nonzero, #if directs the compiler to continue processing statements up to
the next #endif, #else, or #elif directive and then skip to the statement
after the #endif directive. If the constant expression is zero, #if directs
the compiler to skip to the next #endif, #else, or #elif directive.
Field                Description
constant-expression  Specifies the expression to be checked. This value is a
                     defined name, an integer constant, or an expression
                     consisting of names, integers, and arithmetic and
                     relational operators.
This example compiles the BITMAP statement only if the value assigned to the
name "Version" is less than 3.
#if Version < 3
BITMAP 1 errbox.bmp
See Also
#elif, #else, #endif, #ifdef, #ifndef