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Visual Basic for MS-DOS Developer's Guide
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  ■ Visual Basic for MS-DOS Developer's Guide
    By William J. Orvis
    Prentice Hall Computer Publishing/SAMS
    Book: $39.95/Includes one disk containing all source and
    executable code from the book as well as third-party tools and
    Ordering info:  1-800-428-5331 or (fax order) 1-800-448-3804
    This guide covers advanced topics such as creating custom controls,
    porting from Windows to MS-DOS, drawing the graphical User Interface,
    designing windows and dialog boxes, adding forms incrementally to
    QuickBasic and QBasic programs that have been "translated" to
    Visual Basic for MS-DOS, handling mouse events, and more.
    A combination tutorial and reference, this guide provides information
    on all the functions, objects, and keyboards associated with this
    programming language.
  See: Microsoft Product Support Services