vbdpss.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
The Microsoft Visual Basic for MS-DOS Workshop
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  ■ The Microsoft Visual Basic for MS-DOS Workshop
    By John Clark Craig
    Microsoft Press
    Book:  $39.95/includes one 3.5-inch high-density disk
    Ordering info: 800-MSPRESS (8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Central Time).
    ISBN Number: 1-55615-504-2
    This powerful collection of Visual Basic routines and programming tools
    will make you more productive, faster!  The book and software package
    contains over 50 reusable forms and programs that you can incorporate
    into your own projects, or study for a clear understanding of Visual
    Basic for MS-DOS concepts and capabilities. The programs address an
    impressive variety of topics, including essential forms and controls,
    calculators, calendars, graphics, screen savers, random numbers,
    file conversion, Multiple Document Interface (MDI) programming, BIOS
    and MS-DOS interrupt calls, and custom controls.
  See: Microsoft Product Support Services