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PicIchg (1.2)
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#define INCL_PIC
BOOL PicIchg(hab, pszSrcFile, pszDestFile, lType);
HAB hab;            /* anchor-block handle              */
PSZ pszSrcFile;     /* pointer to source-file name      */
PSZ pszDestFile;    /* pointer to destination-file name */
LONG lType;         /* translation type                 */
The PicIchg function converts an interchange file to a metafile, or converts
a symbol file to a font file.
Parameter    Description
hab          Identifies the anchor block.
pszSrcFile   Points to the string that contains the name of the source file.
             This name must be a valid MS OS/2 filename.
pszDestFile  Points to the string that contains the name of the destination
             file. This name must be a valid MS OS/2 filename.
lType        Specifies the type of conversion requested. This parameter can
             be one of the following values:
             Value         Meaning
             PIC_PIFTOMET  Converts an interchange file to a metafile.
             PIC_SSTOFONT  Converts a symbol set to a font.
Return Value
The return value is TRUE if the conversion is successful or FALSE if an
error occurs.
Any reference to an internal symbol or pattern set is changed to a reference
to the default font character set. Any reference to a line-type set is
changed to a reference to the default line type.
Only outline fonts are supported.
See Also