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PicPrint (1.2)
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#define INCL_PIC
BOOL PicPrint(hab, pszSrcFile, lType, pszParms);
HAB hab;           /* anchor-block handle         */
PSZ pszSrcFile;    /* pointer to source-file name */
LONG lType;        /* type of file to print       */
PSZ pszParms;      /* spooler parameters          */
The PicPrint function prints a picture file.
Parameter   Description
hab         Identifies the anchor block.
pszSrcFile  Points to the string that contains the name of the source file.
            This name must be a valid MS OS/2 filename.
lType       Specifies the type of file to print. This parameter can be one
            of the following values:
            Value    Meaning
            PIP_MF   Prints a metafile.
            PIP_PIF  Prints an interchange file.
pszParms    Points to the string that contains spooler parameters.
Return Value
The return value is TRUE if the print operation is successful or FALSE if an
error occurs.
See Also