win12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
WinGetNextWindow (1.2)
Function Group  Overview  Changes               Up Next Previous
HWND WinGetNextWindow(henum)
HENUM henum;    /* handle of the enumeration list */
The WinGetNextWindow function obtains the handle of the next window in a
specified enumeration list.
The enumeration list details the window hierarchy at the time
WinBeginEnumWindows was called. Enumeration starts with the top-most child
window (listed first) and proceeds through the list each time the function
is called, until all windows have been enumerated. Once all windows have
been enumerated, the function returns NULL. The enumeration then returns to
the top of the list and the handle of the top-most child window is returned
on the next call.
Parameter  Description
henum      Identifies the enumeration list. This parameter is created by the
           WinBeginEnumWindows function.
Return Value
The return value is the handle of the next window in the enumeration list,
or it is NULL if an error occurs.
See Also
WinBeginEnumWindows, WinLockWindow