win12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
WinMapWindowPoints (1.2)
Function Group  Overview                          Up Next Previous
BOOL WinMapWindowPoints(hwndFrom, hwndTo, pptl, cwpt)
HWND hwndFrom;    /* handle of the window to be mapped from            */
HWND hwndTo;      /* handle of the window to be mapped to              */
PPOINTL pptl;     /* address of array of structures with points to map */
SHORT cwpt;       /* number of POINTL structures                       */
The WinMapWindowPoints function converts a set of points from a coordinate
space relative to one window to a coordinate space relative to another
Parameter  Description
hwndFrom   Identifies the window from which points are converted. If this
           parameter is NULL or HWND_DESKTOP, the points are assumed to be
           in screen coordinates.
hwndTo     Identifies the window to which points are converted. If this
           parameter is NULL or HWND_DESKTOP, the points are converted to
           screen coordinates.
pptl       Points to an array of POINTL structures that contain the set of
           points. This parameter can also point to a RECTL structure, in
           which case the cwpt parameter should be set to 2.
cwpt       Specifies the number of POINTL structures in the pptl array.
Return Value
The return value is TRUE if the function is successful or FALSE if an error
See Also
WinMapDlgPoints, POINTL, RECTL