win12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
WinQueryMsgTime (1.2)
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ULONG WinQueryMsgTime(hab)
HAB hab;    /* handle of the anchor block */
The WinQueryMsgTime function retrieves the message time for the last message
retrieved by the WinGetMsg or WinPeekMsg function from the current message
The message time is the time, in milliseconds, when the message was posted.
The time value is the same as that in the time field of the QMSG structure.
You cannot assume that time values are always increasing. Since the time
value is the number of milliseconds since the system was booted, it is
possible that the value may wrap to zero. To accurately calculate time
delays between messages, subtract the time of the first message from the
time of the second.
Parameter  Description
hab        Identifies an anchor block.
Return Value
The return value is the time, in milliseconds, when the message was posted.
See Also
WinGetCurrentTime, WinGetMsg, WinPeekMsg, QMSG