Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Align Data and Code
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  Syntax:   ALIGN [number]
  See also: ORG, SEGMENT, STRUCT, Data Declaration Directives
     ALIGN aligns the next variable or instruction on an offset address
     that is a multiple of <expression>. The <number> parameter must be
     a power of 2 (1,2,4,8,...) less than or equal to the alignment of
     the current segment. If <number> is omitted, the alignment is
     determined by the align field of the preceding SEGMENT directive.
     In a segment containing no instructions, the assembler pads each
     skipped byte with nulls (00h). In a code segment, the assembler
     inserts a no-operation sequence (not necessarily NOP instructions)
     to fill the gap.
     This directive is useful for optimizing data and instruction
     fetches on processors with 16- or 32-bit data paths.
     EVEN is a synonym for ALIGN 2.