Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Miscellaneous Directives
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     Select a directive for more information.
     Directive       Description
     EQU             Defines symbol, numeric EQU not redefinable
     =               Defines symbol, always redefinable
     TEXTEQU         Defines text symbol, resolves text macros and
     OPTION          Enables and disables assembler options
     CASEMAP         Maps characters to uppercase
     FLOAT           Controls floating-point instruction generation
     .RADIX          Sets default radix for constants
     ALIGN           Aligns code or data to given boundary
     EVEN            Aligns code or data to even (word) boundary
     ORG             Sets location counter
     CATSTR          Concatenates strings
     INSTR           Finds position of characters in string
     SIZESTR         Returns length of string
     SUBSTR          Extracts characters from string
     INCLUDE         Includes assembler format file
     INCLUDELIB      Includes library format file
     COMMENT         Begins a comment block
     ECHO            Displays message during assembly
     PUSHCONTEXT     Saves context information to stack
     POPCONTEXT      Restores saved context information from stack